ViRb3 / LenovoController

🎮 A lightweight alternative to Lenovo Vantage
MIT License
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Support Lenovo G50-70 #12

Open adamlahbib opened 2 years ago

adamlahbib commented 2 years ago

I like your project and want to have my laptop supported it is Lenovo G50-70, I guess all the Lenovo G50 series are alike and if possible some older thinkpads too. Or is it working this way, stopping randomly at some rate just like Vantage because it stopped for me at 85% Anyway, it would be great also to have the power mode supported for older laptops! Thanks. image

ViRb3 commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I can't add support for a device I don't physically own. I'm happy to take PRs though if anyone else adds support.

adamlahbib commented 2 years ago

It is supported for battery mode but not power mode, if you need help I own the device.