ViaEth / PayViaEth

Non-Custodial Woocommerce Ethereum Payment Plugin
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Tested Up To Value is Out of Date, Invalid, or Missing #13

Closed ViaEth closed 3 years ago

ViaEth commented 3 years ago

The tested up to value in your plugin is not set to the current version of WordPress. This means your plugin will not show up in searches, as we require plugins to be compatible and documented as tested up to the most recent version of WordPress.

Please update your readme to show that it is tested up to the most recent version of WordPress. You cannot set it beyond the current version, as that will similarly cause your plugin not to be available on searches.

Example(s) from your plugin:

PayViaEth-master/readme.txt:6:Tested up to: 5.4

ViaEth commented 3 years ago

Updated the version number to wordpress 5.7.1

Should "tested upto" and requires "at least" be the same value?

Should make sure the double check this when the time comes to resubmit.