Warwick's Jaws of the Beast can follow all global abilities, including teleport. Warwick must latch onto the target as they complete their global ability's channel time.
Warwick's Jaws of the Beast's latch mechanic makes it so that you are CC immune during that period. You can use it to easily avoid obvious CC such as a Zac's Elastic Slingshot or LeBlanc's Distortion (but works on all CC).
Take three points in Blood Hunt in your first five levels to jungle faster. You also waste less mana with your Jaws of the Beast.
Warwick's Primal Howl fears enemies away from you, so ganks should be flanks from behind to ensure you herd them towards your team or laner that you're ganking for.
If you activate your Primal Howl and then use the Jaws of the Beast latching ability, you can re-activate Primal Howl afterward to do a pseudo-insec.
Warwick's Infinite Duress has more utility than just jumping on fleeing enemies. It can also be a gap closer onto their backline, escape tool or a way to turn a duel in your favor later instead of as an engage tool.
Warwick's Jaws of the Beast's latching ability is a great way to chase through minions, acting like a Yasuo's Sweeping Blade.
Activate Blood Hunt right before ganking to ensure you get the eight seconds of movement speed to catch your target.