VicenteVivan / geo-clip

This is an official PyTorch implementation of our NeurIPS 2023 paper "GeoCLIP: Clip-Inspired Alignment between Locations and Images for Effective Worldwide Geo-localization"
MIT License
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Some questions #4

Closed GaoShuang98 closed 3 months ago

GaoShuang98 commented 4 months ago

Dear author, I appreciate your work and would like to get the details of Geoclip's training. Can you publish the complete training code? Thank you.

Also, in the geoclip code, self. opt is not defined in init. How can this be changed?

    def _dequeue_and_enqueue(self, gps):
        """ Update GPS queue

        gps (torch.Tensor): GPS tensor of shape (batch_size, 2)
        opt = self.opt
        gps_batch_size = gps.shape[0]
        batch_size = opt.batch_size

        gps_ptr = int(self.gps_queue_ptr)
        assert self.queue_size % batch_size == 0

        # Replace the GPS from ptr to ptr+batch_size (dequeue and enqueue)
        self.gps_queue[:, gps_ptr:gps_ptr + gps_batch_size] = gps.t()
        gps_ptr = (gps_ptr + batch_size) % self.queue_size  # move pointer
        self.gps_queue_ptr[0] = gps_ptr

In the following code, weather the self.gps of self._dequeue_and_enqueue(self.gps) should be modified to self.gps_queue?

    def append_gps_queue_features(self, gps_features):
        """ Compute the GPS queue features and append them to the given GPS features."""
        # Get the GPS queue features
        location_queue = self.gps_queue.t().detach()
        gps_queue_features = self.location_encoder(location_queue)
        gps_queue_features = F.normalize(gps_queue_features, dim=1)

        # Concatenate Features (GPS Features & GPS Queue Features)
        gps_features =[gps_features, gps_queue_features], dim=0)

        # Update GPS queue

        return gps_features

Looking forward to your response, thank you.

a-parida12 commented 4 months ago

@GaoShuang98 @VicenteVivan do you have a solution for this?

GaoShuang98 commented 3 months ago

@GaoShuang98 @VicenteVivan do you have a solution for this?

Not yet😅