VictorAlbertos / RxSocialConnect-Android

OAuth RxJava extension for Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Add Proguard Config to Readme #12

Closed Jogan closed 8 years ago

Jogan commented 8 years ago

I needed to add:

-dontwarn javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
-dontwarn org.apache.commons.codec.**
-dontwarn com.ning.http.client.**

in order for the library to work with proguard.

VictorAlbertos commented 8 years ago

Hi @Jogan

I don't use proguard. So I'm going to add them to the readme.

Thanks 👍

jbmlaird commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure if OP was using OAuth2 or OAuth1 but in addition to his 3 I had to add

-keep class org.fuckboilerplate.rx_social_connect.internal.persistence.OAuth1AccessToken {

for OAuth1.

hardwinder commented 6 years ago

I had crash when doing OAuth2 authentication while having proguard active. Thanks @jbmlaird for the tip 🍻 Add this to proguard-rules if using OAuth2:

-keep class org.fuckboilerplate.rx_social_connect.internal.persistence.OAuth2AccessToken {