Implement Email Alerts for Live Data on the Live Server
User Story
As a user, I want to receive email alerts when live sensor data exceeds my configured thresholds so that I can take timely action.
This use case involves setting up an email alert system that monitors live sensor data on the live server. When sensor readings exceed user-defined thresholds, the system sends email alerts to notify users. The alerts should include detailed information about the condition, such as the sensor type, current reading, threshold value, and timestamp.
Acceptance Criteria
Email alerts are triggered when live sensor data exceeds user-defined thresholds.
The email includes the following details:
Sensor type (e.g., temperature, humidity, soil moisture)
Threshold value
Current sensor reading
Timestamp of the alert
The email is sent promptly after the alert condition is met.
Users can enable or disable email alerts from the settings page.
The system logs all email alert events for tracking and debugging
Normal Flow of Events
The backend continuously monitors live sensor data from the database.
The system detects when live data exceeds user-defined thresholds.
The system generates an email containing alert details and sends it to the user.
The user receives the email promptly and verifies the details are accurate.
Alternate/Exceptional Flows
S-1: Email fails to send
If the email fails to send, the system retries sending up to a defined limit.
The failure is logged for troubleshooting, and an optional notification is sent to the user in-app.
S-2: Delayed email delivery
If email delivery is delayed due to server or network issues, the system includes timestamps in the alert to clarify when the condition occurred.
S-3: Incorrect alert details
If the email contains incorrect data, the system logs the issue, and developers verify the data pipeline from the database to the email generation system.
Implement Email Alerts for Live Data on the Live Server
User Story
As a user, I want to receive email alerts when live sensor data exceeds my configured thresholds so that I can take timely action.
This use case involves setting up an email alert system that monitors live sensor data on the live server. When sensor readings exceed user-defined thresholds, the system sends email alerts to notify users. The alerts should include detailed information about the condition, such as the sensor type, current reading, threshold value, and timestamp.
Acceptance Criteria
Email alerts are triggered when live sensor data exceeds user-defined thresholds. The email includes the following details: Sensor type (e.g., temperature, humidity, soil moisture) Threshold value Current sensor reading Timestamp of the alert The email is sent promptly after the alert condition is met. Users can enable or disable email alerts from the settings page. The system logs all email alert events for tracking and debugging
Normal Flow of Events
The backend continuously monitors live sensor data from the database. The system detects when live data exceeds user-defined thresholds. The system generates an email containing alert details and sends it to the user. The user receives the email promptly and verifies the details are accurate.
Alternate/Exceptional Flows
S-1: Email fails to send
If the email fails to send, the system retries sending up to a defined limit. The failure is logged for troubleshooting, and an optional notification is sent to the user in-app.
S-2: Delayed email delivery
If email delivery is delayed due to server or network issues, the system includes timestamps in the alert to clarify when the condition occurred.
S-3: Incorrect alert details
If the email contains incorrect data, the system logs the issue, and developers verify the data pipeline from the database to the email generation system.