As a user, I want to provide feedback directly from the platform so that the development team can improve the system.
This use case involves adding a feedback mechanism where users can submit suggestions, bug reports, or general feedback. Feedback is stored in a database or sent via email to the development team for review.
Acceptance Criteria
A feedback form is accessible from the dashboard or settings page.
Submitted feedback includes user contact info (optional), feedback type, and comments.
Feedback is stored in a database or emailed to the admin.
Normal Flow of Events
Verify the feedback form submission process.
Ensure feedback is logged or sent correctly.
Add User Feedback Mechanism
User Story
As a user, I want to provide feedback directly from the platform so that the development team can improve the system.
This use case involves adding a feedback mechanism where users can submit suggestions, bug reports, or general feedback. Feedback is stored in a database or sent via email to the development team for review.
Acceptance Criteria
A feedback form is accessible from the dashboard or settings page. Submitted feedback includes user contact info (optional), feedback type, and comments. Feedback is stored in a database or emailed to the admin.
Normal Flow of Events
Verify the feedback form submission process. Ensure feedback is logged or sent correctly.