VictorKwong / DataSense-PRJ666-team-5
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Use Case 4: Write Code to Read Data from Sensors #4

Closed VictorKwong closed 1 month ago

VictorKwong commented 1 month ago

User Story

As a developer, I want to write a MicroPython script to read sensor data from the Raspberry Pi so that I can collect temperature, humidity, and moisture information.


This use case describes how to develop a script that reads data from the DHT11 and Soil Moisture sensors connected to the Raspberry Pi.

The Raspberry Pi must be able to communicate with the sensors and read their data accurately.

Acceptance Criteria

Normal Flow of Events

Write a MicroPython script to read temperature, humidity, and soil moisture data. Test the script locally by outputting the sensor data to the console. Verify that the data from each sensor is correct and valid.


Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

S-1: Sensors may not respond or return invalid data

Sensors return invalid or inconsistent data. Developer recalibrates the sensors or checks for faulty hardware.

S-2: Inconsistent data due to sensor calibration issues

Sensor readings fluctuate abnormally due to calibration issues. Developer performs sensor recalibration and retests the code.

ktageja commented 1 month ago

Issue closed. We have successfully implemented the MicroPython script that reads temperature, humidity, and soil moisture data from the Raspberry Pi as specified. Additionally, we exceeded the original requirements by integrating Wi-Fi functionality and using ngrok to expose the local server, allowing sensor data to be accessible over the internet for real-time monitoring.