VictorhMalheiro / store-framework
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Inserting an Iframe on our about us page #22

Closed github-learning-lab[bot] closed 3 years ago

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 3 years ago

Inserindo um Iframe na nossa página institucional

:sparkles: Branch: iframe


Um Iframe é um elemento HTML que permite a incorporação de uma outra página HTML à atual. Dessa forma, a partir do bloco Iframe é possível embutir conteúdos de outras URLs para serem exibidos em nossa página. É importante lembrar que as URLs renderizadas pelo Iframe possuem um contexto próprio, tendo histórico de sessão e DOM independentes da sua página customizada.

ATENÇÃO: Iframes só são permitidos dentro de templates de custom pages.

O bloco iframe tem propriedades bem simples:

Abaixo, vemos um exemplo de implementação do bloco iframe:

"store.custom#about-us": {
   "blocks": [

"iframe": {
  "props": {
    "src": "",
    "width": 100,
    "height": 200


Vamos exibir um post de Instagram em nossa loja:

  1. Troque a label da aba "Electronics" para "Instagram";
  2. No conteúdo da aba Instagram, apague o rich-text e inclua um bloco iframe;
  3. Nas props do iframe, exiba o conteúdo do link num container de 800px de largura por 1000px de altura.

:information_source: Lembre-se de acessar a documentação do Iframe caso tenha alguma dúvida durante a atividade.

Resultado esperado:

:no_entry_sign: Perdido?

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github-learning-lab[bot] commented 3 years ago

Você terminou este passo com sucesso!

Vá para o próximo passo

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 3 years ago

Você terminou este passo com sucesso!

Vá para o próximo passo

vtex-course-hub[bot] commented 3 years ago

Oopsie, something went wrong :crying_cat_face:




:white_check_mark: Getting files :x: There's something wrong with the format of your header.jsonc file :x: You havent declared header.full, header-layout.desktop, on you store :x: You haven't stated header-row#notification, header-row#main correctly inside header-layout.desktop. Review their names, positioning and parent block. :x: You haven't stated header-row#notification, header-row#main-mobile, header-row#search correctly inside Review their names, positioning and parent block. :x: You haven't declared header-row#notification, header-row#main on you store :x: You haven't declared header-row#notification, header-row#main-mobile, header-row#search on you store :x: You haven't declared login, logo and rich-text#header on you store :x: You haven't declared login's props showIconProfile, iconLabel properly :x: You haven't declared logo's props url properly :x: You haven't declared rich-text props text, textPosition properly :x: You haven't declared the row header-row#search props and children properly :x: You haven't declared the row header-row#main-mobile props and children properly :x: You haven't declared the row header-row#main props and children properly :x: You haven't declared the row header-row#notification children properly :white_check_mark: Search SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack :white_check_mark: Cart SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack

Try again :grin:

vtex-course-hub[bot] commented 3 years ago

Oopsie, something went wrong :crying_cat_face:




:white_check_mark: Getting files :white_check_mark: First test - Code compilation :x: You havent declared header.full, header-layout.desktop, on you store :x: You haven't stated header-row#notification, header-row#main correctly inside header-layout.desktop. Review their names, positioning and parent block. :x: You haven't stated header-row#notification, header-row#main-mobile, header-row#search correctly inside Review their names, positioning and parent block. :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Desktop's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Mobile's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain login, logo and rich-text :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct login props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct logo props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct rich-text props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct Search row on mobile mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on mobile mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Search SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack :white_check_mark: Cart SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack

Try again :grin:

vtex-course-hub[bot] commented 3 years ago

You did great! :grin:




:white_check_mark: Getting files :white_check_mark: First test - Code compilation :white_check_mark: Your store must contain header full and header layouts desktop and mobile :white_check_mark: Desktop's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Mobile's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Desktop's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Mobile's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain login, logo and rich-text :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct login props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct logo props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct rich-text props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct Search row on mobile mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on mobile mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Search SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack :white_check_mark: Cart SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack

vtex-course-hub[bot] commented 3 years ago

You did great! :grin:




:white_check_mark: Getting files :white_check_mark: First test - Code compilation :white_check_mark: Your store must contain header full and header layouts desktop and mobile :white_check_mark: Desktop's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Mobile's header rows must be correctly stated :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Desktop's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain Mobile's Header Rows :white_check_mark: Your store must contain login, logo and rich-text :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct login props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct logo props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain correct rich-text props :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct Search row on mobile mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on mobile mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Your store must contain the correct main row on desktop mode :white_check_mark: Search SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack :white_check_mark: Cart SVG should be correctly placed on iconpack