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PLC Partition Event #3

Open UniversalRed opened 8 years ago

UniversalRed commented 8 years ago

Should the partitions of the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth be added into the game, or should be not focus on it for now? I believe that if we are to add them, it should be through events that trigger at the right years that gives the countries specific cores on Poland at a time and wars that are auto-declared through the events.

Palisight commented 8 years ago

The thing about the partitions is they are dependent on other events I'm doubting anyone added to the mod

For example, the 1st partition is dependent on the outcomes of the Russo-Turkish War and the Silesian Wars.

Basically if only historical triggers were considered, the 1st partition should be triggered if A.) The PLC is a vassal of Russia B.) Russia controls territory in Moldavia and/or Wallachia, C.) Prussia has high war exhaustion (one could argue either way whether or not a Prussian alliance with Russia would also be required)

UniversalRed commented 8 years ago

Then should I research the historical triggers you mentioned before continuing on to the PLC event itself. The problem that some of the bookmarks face is lack of events that correspond to some countries :/. I guess the only thing we could do is to overhaul the events for most of these countries but that'll be taking up a lot of our time.

tonypos commented 8 years ago

Hey may i give a suggestion? In short: Even thou PLC y.1773 was a great power(with next to none military), Russia had it as sphare leader. So it's not great power (Crimean and Kievan radicalism might be higher to make PLC weaker). 1767 PLC had RADOM conference(rebellion) against Russian influence. Thay lost to Russian army and anarchy began and Prussian cancler suggested Russia Austria and Prussia take parts of PLC. Same happened 1793 and 1795 to make it ower. I suggest to make 2 parts:

  1. If PLC is in sphare of someone, massive rebelion starts. Once if it's lost get parts of PLC to Russia Austria and Prussia if these 3 countries are not at war. And make it limited to start from 1765 etc.
  2. 20years after this event, if PLC is in not great power and in sphare of someone - partition it to the last. Once it's done - massive PLC rebellion should start (leader T.Kosciuska). And it's not poland - it's "ZecposPOLLITa"(Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth) wich became such after 1569 and great duchy of lithuania(GDL etc.) had few small independance rebellions due to GDL cores up untill ~1885 where GDL became LIT(lithuania) and rest of PLC became POL.. Where 1832 and 1864 PLC had massive rebellion with English support. But that can be left as a regular rebellion it would happen anyway. Also primary culture Polish had no right to buy land in GDL and Latvia, so assimilation should be minimized (with all PLC political parties).
UniversalRed commented 8 years ago

@tonypos Thanks for the information you've provided for us, this will be good for when we do start working on changes to Europe before the Industrial Era.

tonypos commented 8 years ago

Also - if i may - Prussia has difficulties to emerge in 16's. First - it always existed as a dependant country(of PLC), but 1618 annexed BRA(brandenburg), 1648 annexed POM, etc...etc, 1772 took part of PLC, 1795 took Lithuanian part of PLC and so on. I'd say these national unifications is crussial forming Germany and whole East Europe, so i suggest to put these in decisions or events as 'must be done' unless player do not want to. Otherwise PLC partition in 1773 and balance of country powers is questionable