Victorian-Bioinformatics-Consortium / degust

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Need Help for Degust Tool #20

Closed rahdayal closed 9 years ago

rahdayal commented 9 years ago

Hi Sir

Its very painful from last one week , try to integrate the degust tool but unable to do so. Download the and install python on system and xampp. Then run with parameter csv file. But when i am printing the args variable, Its showing :-

Namespace(avg=None, counts=[], csvfile=, cuffdiff=False, fdr='adj.P.Val', info=None, link_col=None, link_url=None, logFC=None, name='Unnamed', notour=None, out=’, mode 'w' at 0x012A5078>,primary='pri', tab=False)


drpowell commented 9 years ago

I think this is a problem with xampp which I can't really diagnose

rahdayal commented 9 years ago

Thanks david. Actuall, your given command helped me. i got the solution. One thing i just want to know. that why your html and my html is have different result. and above all thank you so much for the help :+1: