Victorian-Bioinformatics-Consortium / degust

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cabal keeps saying packages not installed though they are indeed there #27

Closed n6151h closed 9 years ago

n6151h commented 9 years ago

During build-prod I see the following output:

nicks@numidea:~/prova/degust$ sudo bash prod-server
Building 'prod-server'
Combining css and minifying...
Compiling CoffeeScript and bundling all js...
Building app/js/ -> build/common.js
Building app/js/ -> build/compare.js
Building app/js/ -> build/config.js
Building app/js/ -> build/slickgrid.js
Building backend
cabal: Run the 'configure' command first.

I run the configure command and get:

nicks@numidea:~/prova/degust$ sudo cabal --global configure
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring degust-0.14...
cabal: At least the following dependencies are missing:
bytestring ==0.9.*,
cgi ==3001.1.*,
json ==0.7.*,
lens >=3.9 && <4,
random ==1.0.*,
text >=0.11.2 && <1

I have already installed all of these, but, didn't use the --global switch, so tried again (just with bytestring package to save a bit of time.):

nicks@numidea:~/prova/degust$ sudo cabal --global install bytestring
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring bytestring-
Building bytestring-
Preprocessing library bytestring-
  :    # deletia ...
Registering bytestring-
Installed bytestring-

and re-run cabal configure:

nicks@numidea:~/prova/degust$ sudo cabal --global configure
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring degust-0.14...
cabal: At least the following dependencies are missing:
bytestring ==0.9.*,   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  STILL NOT INSTALLED?!?!
cgi ==3001.1.*,
json ==0.7.*,
lens >=3.9 && <4,
random ==1.0.*,
text >=0.11.2 && <1

Is this a known or simple issue, requiring specific version of cabal, perhaps? If not, I'll dig some more but wanted to ask before I invested any more time trying to get this to build.

Cheers, Nick

n6151h commented 9 years ago

Apparently, very version dependent. Going through each of these one by one, specifying version (e.g.

cabal install 'bytestring ==0.9.*'

got me past this.

But, I did see messages like:

src/Control/Lens/Internal/ByteString.hs:64:29: Warning:
    In the use of `BI.inlinePerformIO'
    (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal):
    Deprecated: "If you think you know what you are doing, use 'unsafePerformIO'. If you are sure you know what you are doing, use 'unsafeDupablePerformIO'. If you enjoy sharing an address space with a malevolent agent of chaos, try 'accursedUnutterablePerformIO'."

Really doesn't give me great confidence that uploading my data to your servers won't leave those data vulnerable to a "malevolent agent of chaos".

n6151h commented 9 years ago

Moving right along,

configure cabal

Produced the following warning:

Warning: This package indirectly depends on multiple versions of the same
package. This is highly likely to cause a compile failure.
package text- requires binary-
package pureMD5- requires binary-
package text- requires binary-
package unix- requires bytestring-
package text- requires bytestring-
package regex-pcre-0.94.4 requires bytestring-
package regex-base-0.93.2 requires bytestring-
package pureMD5- requires bytestring-
package json-0.7 requires bytestring-
package hastache-0.6.1 requires bytestring-
package entropy-0.3.7 requires bytestring-
package crypto-api-0.13.2 requires bytestring-
package cereal- requires bytestring-
package bytestring-builder- requires bytestring-
package blaze-builder- requires bytestring-
package binary- requires bytestring-
package unix- requires bytestring-
package text- requires bytestring-
package text- requires bytestring-
package semigroups- requires bytestring-
package parsec-3.1.9 requires bytestring-
package network- requires bytestring-
package lens-3.10.3 requires bytestring-
package hashable- requires bytestring-
package cgi-3001.1.8.5 requires bytestring-
package binary- requires bytestring-
package degust-0.14 requires bytestring-
package transformers-compat- requires mtl-
package parsec-3.1.9 requires mtl-
package lens-3.10.3 requires mtl-
package cgi-3001.1.8.5 requires mtl-
package regex-base-0.93.2 requires mtl-2.2.1
package json-0.7 requires mtl-2.2.1
package hastache-0.6.1 requires mtl-2.2.1
package semigroups- requires text-
package lens-3.10.3 requires text-
package hashable- requires text-
package degust-0.14 requires text-
package parsec-3.1.9 requires text-
package json-0.7 requires text-
package hastache-0.6.1 requires text-
package blaze-builder- requires text-
package transformers-compat- requires transformers-
package semigroupoids-4.3 requires transformers-
package profunctors-4.4.1 requires transformers-
package primitive-0.6 requires transformers-
package mtl- requires transformers-
package monads-tf- requires transformers-
package lens-3.10.3 requires transformers-
package distributive-0.4.4 requires transformers-
package contravariant-1.3.2 requires transformers-
package comonad- requires transformers-
package StateVar- requires transformers-
package MonadCatchIO-transformers- requires transformers-
package mtl-2.2.1 requires transformers-
package hastache-0.6.1 requires transformers-
package crypto-api-0.13.2 requires transformers-
package process- requires unix-
package entropy-0.3.7 requires unix-
package directory- requires unix-
package degust-0.14 requires unix-
package network- requires unix-

Throwing caution to the wind, I proceeded with the build and still got

Building 'prod-server'
Combining css and minifying...
Compiling CoffeeScript and bundling all js...
Building app/js/ -> build/common.js
Building app/js/ -> build/compare.js
Building app/js/ -> build/config.js
Building app/js/ -> build/slickgrid.js
Building backend
Building degust-0.14...
Preprocessing executable 'r-json' for degust-0.14...
<command line>: cannot satisfy -package-id cgi-3001.1.8.5-0c249e17d94940b6845cdf2619d4301e: 
    cgi-3001.1.8.5-0c249e17d94940b6845cdf2619d4301e is unusable due to missing or recursive dependencies:
      network- parsec-3.1.9-cd1910ba848c30e8f3c663e2f8b41d31
    (use -v for more information)

So, I tried to re-install network, specifying 2.5.* and got

nicks@numidea:~/prova/degust$ cabal install 'network==2.5.*' --reinstall
Resolving dependencies...
In order, the following would be installed:
network- (reinstall)
cabal: The following packages are likely to be broken by the reinstalls:
Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway.

Long and short of it is this: Do you have a build script that works?

drpowell commented 9 years ago

Getting the specific versions of haskell libraries can be tricky. The best solution I've found is to use a cabal sandbox.

I've documented the building process on an ubuntu box that may help you: 8d6b38f0ee402fae9bd5cfe21325f57e30c97268