Victorian-Bioinformatics-Consortium / nesoni

High throughput sequencing analysis tools
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nesoni annotation error #10

Open kwongj opened 10 years ago

kwongj commented 10 years ago

I've been trying to run nesoni make-reference (v0.122) using a .gbk file (mainly to preserve the annotations for nway), but keep getting an error:

jkwong@dna:~/Ecoli/analysis/nesoni/outbreak$ nesoni make-reference test-ref BPH0530.gbk

nesoni make-reference: \
    --ls ifavailable \
    --cs ifavailable \
    --bowtie ifavailable \
    --genome yes \
    --genome-select -source \
    --snpeff ifavailable \
    test-ref \

  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/nesoni-0.122-py2.7.egg/nesoni/", line 1069, in shell_run
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/nesoni-0.122-py2.7.egg/nesoni/", line 633, in inner
    return func(self,*args,**kwargs)
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/nesoni-0.122-py2.7.egg/nesoni/", line 633, in inner
    return func(self,*args,**kwargs)
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/nesoni-0.122-py2.7.egg/nesoni/", line 213, in run
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/nesoni-0.122-py2.7.egg/nesoni/", line 34, in set_sequences
    for name, seq in io.read_sequences(filename, genbank_callback=genbank_callback):
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/nesoni-0.122-py2.7.egg/nesoni/", line 419, in read_genbank_sequence
    from Bio import SeqIO
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/Bio/SeqIO/", line 353, in <module>
    from Bio.File import as_handle
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/Bio/", line 35, in <module>
    from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as _sqlite
  File "/bio/sw/python/download/pypy/lib-python/2.7/sqlite3/", line 24, in <module>
    from dbapi2 import *
  File "/bio/sw/python/download/pypy/lib-python/2.7/sqlite3/", line 27, in <module>
    from _sqlite3 import *
  File "/bio/sw/python/download/pypy/lib_pypy/", line 52, in <module>
    _ffi = _FFI()
  File "/bio/sw/python/download/pypy/lib_pypy/cffi/", line 59, in __init__
    backend.__version__ == __version__[:3])


I've also tried using make-reference with a .gff file, but after then using nesoni bowtie to map reads, the resulting report.txt file is empty.

Using a reference file in FASTA format for nesoni make-reference is successful, but adding the annotation in nway (after running make-reference, bowtie, consensus, nway) by specifying the --gbk flag again comes up with an AssertionError with both .gbk and .gff files:

jkwong@dna:~/Ecoli/analysis/nesoni/outbreak$ nesoni nway --output outbreak.txt --as table --gbk BPH0530.gbk Ec_BPH*

nesoni nway: \
    --output outbreak.txt \
    --as table \
    --gbk BPH0530.gbk \
    --evidence yes \
    --consequences yes \
    --reference yes \
    --indels yes \
    --require-all no \
    --require-bisect no \
    --full no \
    Ec_BPH0532 Ec_BPH0657 Ec_BPH0658 Ec_BPH0659

  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/nesoni-0.122-py2.7.egg/nesoni/", line 1069, in shell_run
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/nesoni-0.122-py2.7.egg/nesoni/", line 284, in run
    split_a=self.splitting, split_b=self.from_, f=f)
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/nesoni-0.122-py2.7.egg/nesoni/", line 344, in nway_main
    from Bio import SeqIO
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/Bio/SeqIO/", line 353, in <module>
    from Bio.File import as_handle
  File "/bio/sw/python/env-pypy/site-packages/Bio/", line 35, in <module>
    from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as _sqlite
  File "/bio/sw/python/download/pypy/lib-python/2.7/sqlite3/", line 24, in <module>
    from dbapi2 import *
  File "/bio/sw/python/download/pypy/lib-python/2.7/sqlite3/", line 27, in <module>
    from _sqlite3 import *
  File "/bio/sw/python/download/pypy/lib_pypy/", line 52, in <module>
    _ffi = _FFI()
  File "/bio/sw/python/download/pypy/lib_pypy/cffi/", line 59, in __init__
    backend.__version__ == __version__[:3])



The reference genome is a closed E.coli genome that was annotated with Prokka.

Any ideas? Thanks for the help.