Victoriapm / dbt-demo-project

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Link to live demos #6

Open apisarenco opened 1 year ago

apisarenco commented 1 year ago

First of all I'd like to thank you for your initiative and activism in this sphere. I've already referenced your project to many people who didn't know how dbt would help them organise their DML and make their analytics more transparent. It's a great and simple communication tool to help motivate people to try it out, by using a good project structure.

I attended a talk about a year ago where I remember that you actually demoed this project live (that's how I found out about it). It would be of great added value if you link any of those demos, to this project.

apisarenco commented 1 year ago

Ah, my bad, I needed to search more.

I found this, which helps a lot: .

Do you think it also makes sense to link such materials to either this repo or dbt-basics-workshop ?

Victoriapm commented 1 year ago

Hey @apisarenco Thanks for opening this issue, I don't use much this project so I completely missed it!

I think that's a great idea. This demo project is part of my work as a solutions architect at dbt labs, where at the zoomcamp I volunteer to build those resources even before I got this job. I also do demos as part of my work, I don't have a public video at this moment but I'll try to get one to link to in one of my repos.

But in general, I would recommend you sign up for the demo with experts series that offers a live dbt demo on bi-weekly basis at Berlin-friendly times. I presented 2 weeks ago, and will present again at the end of April.