VideoMapping / lpmtX2

the 2nd version to the recoded lpmt video mapping sofware for linux & osx
MIT License
14 stars 4 forks source link

H Mirror and V Mirror do not Mirror Camera image under the Camera Section #18

Open SynchronisticSavage opened 7 years ago

SynchronisticSavage commented 7 years ago

UPDATE: 2022-05-26:

Was able to get it working by editing quad.cpp and copying: " if (camHFlip || camVFlip) { glPushMatrix(); if(camHFlip && !camVFlip) { ofTranslate(camWidthcamMultX,0); glScalef(-1,1,1); } else if(camVFlip && !camHFlip) { ofTranslate(0,camHeightcamMultY); glScalef(1,-1,1); } else { ofTranslate(camWidthcamMultX,camHeightcamMultY); glScalef(-1,-1,1); } } " and pasting it at the top of the 'camera stuff' section. just under: " if (camAvailable && camBg && cams[camNumber]->getWidth() > 0) { "

can this be updated and merged with the git?

Tested on Xubuntu 16.04 with OpenFrameworks 0.9.4 contact me if more info is required for troubleshooting. big ups to the Open Source Community, thanks for the awesome ever evolving cool software :+1: