VidocqH / lsp-lens.nvim

Neovim plugin for displaying references and difinition infos upon functions like JB's IDEA.
MIT License
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Occasionally getting flooded with `handle 0x.... is already closing` #10

Closed IndianBoy42 closed 1 year ago

IndianBoy42 commented 1 year ago
2023-03-12T17:46:43 Error  ERROR Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...e/lazynvim/lazy/lsp-lens.nvim/lua/lsp-lens/lens-util.lua:140: handle 0x561bd1b0b760 is already closing
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'close'
    ...e/lazynvim/lazy/lsp-lens.nvim/lua/lsp-lens/lens-util.lua:140: in function ''
    vim/_editor.lua: in function <vim/_editor.lua:0>

Haven't figured out the causing event yet

IndianBoy42 commented 1 year ago

Sorry I just realized this is with a version that's a couple of days old, I'll see if it happens again and reopen if needed