VidocqH / lsp-lens.nvim

Neovim plugin for displaying references and difinition infos upon functions like JB's IDEA.
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Fix already closing handler by remove unnecessary timer stop in do_request function #11

Closed xiantang closed 1 year ago

xiantang commented 1 year ago


I have already close handler error when using lsp-lens.nvim, I found code stop timer first and then close. I assumed that the stop function closes the timer and when we stop the timer, it gets stopped again.

So I tried to remove the stop code and it worked.

And I also found the latest document about it: this example shows that we don't need timer:stop() anymore

-- Create a timer handle (implementation detail: uv_timer_t).
local timer = vim.loop.new_timer()
local i = 0
-- Waits 1000ms, then repeats every 750ms until timer:close().
timer:start(1000, 750, function()
  print('timer invoked! i='..tostring(i))
  if i > 4 then
    timer:close()  -- Always close handles to avoid leaks.
  i = i + 1
VidocqH commented 1 year ago
