Viele / onionSkinRenderer

This is an Onion Skin Renderer for Autodesk Maya
MIT License
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Relative step, lower then 1 ? #10

Open alfsici opened 6 years ago

alfsici commented 6 years ago

Any chances to be able to go lower on the relative frame Step ? with some animation i find myself scrubbing in between frames and sometimes fixing also these subframes (half frames), is also a common thing when retiming clips (scaling or using timewarp) or loading mocap data from a different frame rate (60fps to 24) and so on, so i was wondering if would be possible to also change the value of the ghosting to something less then 1 . (eg. 0.5, 0.25 , 0. 125 ) being the most common used. Perhaps is only a matter of unlocking the value?(so not too much trouble..)

Viele commented 6 years ago

hmm I never thought of that to be honest. The way it works now is that it relies on integers to know which frame to display. I'll keep the issue open but it's a bit harder to do, so it won't make it into this release. Just out of curiosity: has sub frame display of onions ever worked?

alfsici commented 6 years ago

Currently if i use onion and i am scrubbing subframes, the pre and post Onion frame updates only after i passed the integer number (eg 1). I actually thought perhaps it could have only 3 modes for non integers below 1 frame per onion. And when in this mode, display frames every 0.5 or 0.25 or 0.125 of a frame, (skipping the rest of the non integer numbers). I am not quite sure (i will need to research your code a little more) , alto you could simply trick the tool to pick the geometry and update the snapshot at half frames, rather then on current frame.

This is definitely a non priority , alto is something that we do quite often, the other workaround perhaps would be to have a dummy object with keys each non integer frame, and using the "keyframe" option to trick the system into picking these inbetween frames.