ViennaRNA / forna

Create force-directed graphs of RNA secondary structures.
Apache License 2.0
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How to cite? #33

Closed mnori closed 8 years ago

mnori commented 8 years ago

Am really liking forna. I integrated it into some of my own work.

I'm currently writing a manuscript and am wondering if there is a paper I can cite that covers forna.

Thanks, Matt

pkerpedjiev commented 8 years ago

Thank you kindly! Glad to hear you like it!

Or, you can just use the bibtex below (taken from the oxford journals web site):

@article{Kerpedjiev15102015, author = {Kerpedjiev, Peter and Hammer, Stefan and Hofacker, Ivo L.}, title = {Forna (force-directed RNA): Simple and effective online RNA secondary structure diagrams}, volume = {31}, number = {20}, pages = {3377-3379}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btv372}, URL = {}, eprint = {}, journal = {Bioinformatics} }

mnori commented 8 years ago

Thank you :) Matt