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Can no longer sort article subscriptions at all #1734

Open PacoH opened 5 months ago

PacoH commented 5 months ago

Version 3.9.0. OS X Ventura 13.6.3

I used to have all my subscriptions sorted by my own preferences with most used ones on top. I pruned many unused ones and exported what remained before updating the app. When I imported the saved export, all subscriptions were/are sorted alphabetically, which is something I would never want. Worse, when I try to move one of them, it jumps back to its original position, something it never did before. I see no setting that allows a choice of sort order. Either a bug or some setting I am missing.

Eitot commented 5 months ago

Have you set the View → Order By to Manual?

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 21 28 40

It might be that exporting/importing feeds via OPML may not preserve the order.

Issue #1732 might be related.

PacoH commented 5 months ago


Hah hah hah. That's it! I was only checking general Settings. I probably had that checked in the previous version (Vienna 3.7.4). I checked and I did. I exported all the folders from that version and re-imported them, deleting the previous ones first. Now they are all in the original order I had them in. One thing though. All articles are marked unread now.

Is there a way I can reuse the original data in the update now without importing it so I can preserve the play status? Probably not because I just updated from within the old version and all articles are now shown as unread. I think this would require a new feature.

carpecrustum commented 3 months ago

I have been having the same problem. The suggestion to set "Order By" to 'manual' only partially works for me. Vienna randomly resets "Order By" to 'name' and I have to switch back to manual and then drag my feed folders back into the order that I had them in. This is the second time this week that I've had to restore my preferred order.

PacoH commented 3 months ago

I have this same problem, especially after an update.

carpecrustum commented 3 months ago

That might be part of my problem, I had 'check for newer versions of Vienna on start up' checked. I assumed it would just notify me when there were updates available. If it's automatically installing the updates rather than letting me know when one is available, then that could be the cause of my resets. I've unchecked it, maybe my manual ordering will stay selected now.

PacoH commented 3 months ago

I set it for 'Check for newer versions of Vienna on start up' and I think it might be automatically installing the updates too. You know what's even worse? It marks all episodes as 'unread', which defeats the purpose of an aggregator. Time for two bug reports.

carpecrustum commented 3 months ago

It has alphabetized everything again, disregarding the custom organization that I had done - even though "Check for newer versions" was unchecked. I'm out of ideas.