VietFOSS / vn-foss

To collect and promote FOSS projects started by and contributed to by Vietnamese
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List FOSS Java projects by Vietnamese #10

Open vietlq opened 6 years ago

huydx commented 6 years ago

scala project by @ngocdaothanh

vietlq commented 6 years ago

@huydx thanks! This one looks cool! @ngocdaothanh great stuff!

eneim commented 6 years ago

Java/Android project: (Android UI, Media Player) :D.

P/S: Great listing thanks for the repo. Should we add new libraries as Pull Request instead of adding comment to issues?

vietlq commented 6 years ago

Thanks @eneim ! You are welcome to add PRs :D @hoangstark has already added PRs. I created Issues to track by topic and also ppl can shoot quick messages without creating a PR and I will gather info in my time :)

tuanpt216 commented 6 years ago (A Vietnamese Text Processing Toolkit)

vietlq commented 6 years ago

Found by @doanduyhai