ViewBlock / binance-api-node

:chart: A complete and heavily tested wrapper with typings for the Binance API.
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Websocket was closed before the connection was estabilshed with binance-api-node ticker and futuresticker #655

Open haunt3dd opened 6 months ago

haunt3dd commented 6 months ago

im trying to closed the connection when running some code and activate the connection again but its give me the error "Websocket was closed before the connection was estabilshed"

const currentWebSocketSpot = symbol.toLowerCase(), (ticker) => { createFunc(onMessage, "spot", symbol)({ data: JSON.stringify(ticker) }); } ); const currentWebSocketFuture = symbol.toLowerCase(), (ticker) => { createFunc( onMessage, "future", symbol )({ data: JSON.stringify(ticker) }); } ); webSocketsArr.push({ currentWebSocketSpot, currentWebSocketFuture, });

and this is how i stop the websocket
webSocketsArr.forEach((e) => {
          try {
          } catch (err) {
            console.log("err stop ws");