ViewComponent / view_component

A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
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Support for rack-mini-profiler #1982

Closed htcarr3 closed 3 months ago

htcarr3 commented 4 months ago

Feature request

Currently only views and partials are broken out in the speed badge report that gets created by rack-mini-profiler. I assume this requires some tie-in on instrumentation. My apologies if this is already supported, I just couldn't find any examples or documentation for it, and maybe this is just a documentation issue (or maybe this is some configuration that makes sense to live on rack-mini-profiler)!


rack-mini-profiler seems to be the ubiquitous first stop for analyzing performance in rails/rack apps. Since ViewComponent (essentially) replaces partials in many instances, it seems natural to expect the rendering timings to show up there as well. Thank you for your consideration!


After diving deeper into the instrumentation documentation for ViewComponent, and looking at the source code for Rack::MiniProfilerRails (which is essentially the official railtie), something like this seems to work:

# somewhere in the boot path for a rails app, like development.rb

Rack::MiniProfilerRails.subscribe('render.view_component') do |_name, start, finish, _id, payload|

If this seems correct, maybe a small addition to the instrumentation docs could be helpful? I'm happy to put together a PR.

htcarr3 commented 4 months ago

Related: #1490

joelhawksley commented 3 months ago

@htcarr3 sure, please write a PR!

htcarr3 commented 3 months ago

@htcarr3 sure, please write a PR!

I will put together a pr soon, thank you!

htcarr3 commented 3 months ago

@joelhawksley, there is certainly no rush on this, but I do have a pr up whenever you find some time to review

joelhawksley commented 3 months ago

@htcarr3 thanks for the PR! Just merged it ❤