ViewTube / viewtube

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Disable access to any part of the interface except when logged in #1094

Closed PiotrKrzyzek closed 8 months ago

PiotrKrzyzek commented 2 years ago

When someone goes to your own instance of ViewTube, they are able to browse around and use your system and thus using up your resources (cpu, storage, bandwidth).

It would be wonderful to force login into the system before any browsing or usage can be done. Meaning: no login in? No touchie. Logged in: business as usual.

The idea here is if the ViewTube domain is exposed to the intertubes, no one will be able to do anything on your own instance except those you've explicitly allowed in.

moisout commented 8 months ago

You can now disable registration and require login everywhere, implemented in update 0.15.0. Read more here: