Vigemus / iron.nvim

Interactive Repl Over Neovim
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Unable to send a cell to repl #333

Open weiyshay opened 1 year ago

weiyshay commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks for this awesome plugin and I am really enjoying it.

Current I am able to send code to the repl via motion command(j,k, etc) which is very convenient.

It will be nice if I can send a cell to repl and jump to the next automatically. I searched around and found that these plugins which seems good for me but failed to make it.


I am able to jump between cells using the shortcuts defined in vim-textobj-hydrogen .


The problem is that I am not able to send the cell to repl with shortcuts defined in the below config:


I am using nvim stable 0.8.3 and all the latest plugins by today(2023/4/17). Appreciate your feedback on if it is a configuration issue or how I can debug it.

meicale commented 1 year ago

I just test the setting and it works fine. Maybe can need to figure out what is your problem. The textobj and the ]x command just works fine. I guess you may miss the lua config of iron.nvim, you need use that config instead of the default config. Or you can change the mapping of ]x.

weiyshay commented 1 year ago

Hi Meicale, Thanks for your feedback. I tried changing the mapping and it didn't help and this is my iron config, anything am I missing?

local iron = require("iron.core")

vim.g.mapleader = ";"

iron.setup {
  config = {
    -- Whether a repl should be discarded or not
    scratch_repl = true,
    -- Your repl definitions come here
    repl_definition = {
      sh = {
        -- Can be a table or a function that
        -- returns a table (see below)
        command = {"bash"}
    -- How the repl window will be displayed
    -- See below for more information
    repl_open_cmd = require("iron.view").split.vertical(100)
  -- Iron doesn't set keymaps by default anymore.
  -- You can set them here or manually add keymaps to the functions in iron.core
  keymaps = {
    send_motion = "<leader>j",
    visual_send = "<leader>v",
    send_file = "<leader>f",
    send_line = "<leader>l",
    send_mark = "<leader>k",
    mark_motion = "<leader>mc",
    mark_visual = "<leader>mc",
    remove_mark = "<leader>md",
    cr = "<leader>s<cr>",
    -- interrupt = "<leader>s<leader>",
    -- exit = "<leader>q",
    -- clear = "<leader>c",
  -- If the highlight is on, you can change how it looks
  -- For the available options, check nvim_set_hl
  highlight = {
    italic = true
  ignore_blank_lines = true, -- ignore blank lines when sending visual select lines

-- iron also has a list of commands, see :h iron-commands for all available commands
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>T', '<cmd>IronRepl<cr>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>R', '<cmd>IronRestart<cr>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>F', '<cmd>IronFocus<cr>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>H', '<cmd>IronHide<cr>')
vim.g.mapleader = "\\"
meicale commented 1 year ago

Hi Meicale, Thanks for your feedback. I tried changing the mapping and it didn't help and this is my iron config, anything am I missing?

local iron = require("iron.core")

vim.g.mapleader = ";"

iron.setup {
  config = {
    -- Whether a repl should be discarded or not
    scratch_repl = true,
    -- Your repl definitions come here
    repl_definition = {
      sh = {
        -- Can be a table or a function that
        -- returns a table (see below)

        command = {"bash"}

I think you use this to run python code, so that you need using command  = {"ipython"}  and install ipython in your machine. I recommend that you just double check the blog related to your config.
milanglacier commented 1 year ago

I implemented my own function to send code chunk to REPL and it works fine.

qrsforever commented 9 months ago

@weiyshay use it (inner tag) for me as a workaround. maybe help you.

:help text-objects

                        *v_at* *at*
at          "a tag block", select [count] tag blocks, from the
            [count]'th unmatched "<aaa>" backwards to the matching
            "</aaa>", including the "<aaa>" and "</aaa>".
            See |tag-blocks| about the details.
            When used in Visual mode it is made charwise.

                        *v_it* *it*
it          "inner tag block", select [count] tag blocks, from the
            [count]'th unmatched "<aaa>" backwards to the matching
            "</aaa>", excluding the "<aaa>" and "</aaa>".
            See |tag-blocks| about the details.
            When used in Visual mode it is made charwise.

Tag blocks                      *tag-blocks*

For the "it" and "at" text objects an attempt is done to select blocks between
matching tags for HTML and XML.  But since these are not completely compatible
there are a few restrictions.

The normal method is to select a <tag> until the matching </tag>.  For "at"
the tags are included, for "it" they are excluded.  But when "it" is repeated
the tags will be included (otherwise nothing would change).  Also, "it" used
on a tag block with no contents will select the leading tag.

you can remap : vim.cmd [[nmap st sit]]


# <cell>
a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
# </cell>
echaya commented 2 months ago

My take using vimscript to achieve something similar. I mapped in visual mode to send code and move down. and \\ will select and send the code block

let g:CodeFence = "###"

function! IsLineIndented()
    let lineContent = getline('.')
    if match(lineContent, ' ') == 0
        return 1
        return 0

function! IsFence()
    return getline('.') == g:CodeFence

function! BuildFence()
    exe "normal Go".g:CodeFence
    if IsLineIndented()
        normal 0dt#

function! OpenCell() abort
    let cmd = 'normal *kV``jo'
    execute cmd

function! CloseCell() abort
    let cmd = 'normal #jV``'
    execute cmd
    normal -
" nnoremap <leader>cc :call CloseCell()<cr>

function! BetweenCell() abort
    let Start = line(".")
    let End = search('^'.g:CodeFence, 'Wbs')
    normal +
    if Start - End == 1
        normal V
        normal V''

function! SelectVisual() abort
    if search('^'.g:CodeFence, 'W') == 0
        call BuildFence()
        call CloseCell()
        normal -
        call BetweenCell()

nmap  \\ :call SelectVisual()<cr><cr>

keymap in lua

    vim.keymap.set("v", "<CR>", function()
      vim.cmd("norm! j")
    end, { buffer = args.buf, desc = "repl_v_send" })