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[project] Text Correction #10

Open head-iie-vnr opened 2 days ago

head-iie-vnr commented 2 days ago

Created Ramayan in 100 sentences. Created Ramayana in 100 bigger paragraphs.

head-iie-vnr commented 2 days ago

The input has error rate of 2 to 6%.

First paragraph: 6.19% of the words are corrupted. Second paragraph: 5.05% of the words are corrupted. Third paragraph: 2.83% of the words are corrupted. Fourth paragraph: 3.23% of the words are corrupted

Input Sentence: The four prnices grow up to be brave, virtuous, and deeply deveted to each other. Rama, the eldest, is esppecially beloved and revered by all for his noble charaacter and prowess. His virtues are evident from a young age, earning him the admiration and respect of his family and the people of Ayodhya. Lakshmana, his inseparable companion, shares a special bond with Rama, marked by unwavering loyalty and support. Bharata, knnwn for his righteousness, and Shatrughna, the youngest, are also esteemed for their virtues. Together, the brothers represent the ideal qualitees of courage, devotion, and filial piety. Corrected Sentence: The four princes grow up to be brave, virtuous, and deeply devoted to each other. Rama, the eldest, is especially beloved and revered by all for his noble character and prowess. His virtues are evident from a young age, earning him the admiration and respect of his family and the people of Ayodhya. Lakshmana, his inseparable companion, shares a special bond with Rama, marked by unwavering loyalty and support. Bharata, known for his righteousness, and Shatrughna, the youngest, are also esteemed for their virtues. Together, the brothers represent the ideal qualities of courage, devotion, and filial piety.

Input Sentence: The Ramayana has been a subject of schholarly study and interpretation, with numerous commentaries and analyses exploring its philosophical, literary, and cultural dimennsions. Scholars have examined the epic’s historical context, its evolution over time, and its impact on various aspects of Inddian society. The Ramayana’s narrative structure, poetic style, and use of symbolism have been praised for their literary excellence and depth. The epic’s rich tapesttry of themes, characters, and moral lessons offers a wealth of material for scholarly exploration and analysis. The ongoing study and interrpretation of the Ramayana highlight its significance as a cultural and literary masterpiece. Corrected Sentence: The Ramayana has been a subject of scholarly study and interpretation, with numerous commentaries and analyses exploring its philosophical, literary, and cultural dimensions. Scholars have examined the epic’s historical context, its evolution over time, and its impact on various aspects of Indian society. The Ramayana’s narrative structure, poetic style, and use of symbolism have been praised for their literary excellence and depth. The epic’s rich tapestry of themes, characters, and moral lessons offers a wealth of material for scholarly exploration and analysis. The ongoing study and interpretation of the Ramayana highlight its significance as a cultural and literary masterpiece.

Input Sentence: In modern times, the Ramayana continues to inspire literature, movies, television series, and graphic novels, reaching new audiences and keeping the ancient tale alive. These contemporaary adaptations bring fresh perspectives and innovative storytelling techniques to the epic, making it relevent to today’s audiences. The timeless themes and universal values of the Ramayana resonate with people across cultures and generations, ensuring its continued populaarity and influence. Modern retellings of the Ramayana often explore its characters and narrative in new ways, highlighting different aspects of the story and its moral lessons. These adaptations reflect the enduring legacy of the Ramayana and its ability to inspire and captivate audiences. Corrected Sentence: In modern times, the Ramayana continues to inspire literature, movies, television series, and graphic novels, reaching new audiences and keeping the ancient tale alive. These contemporary adaptations bring fresh perspectives and innovative storytelling techniques to the epic, making it relevant to today’s audiences. The timeless themes and universal values of the Ramayana resonate with people across cultures and generations, ensuring its continued popularity and influence. Modern retellings of the Ramayana often explore its characters and narrative in new ways, highlighting different aspects of the story and its moral lessons. These adaptations reflect the enduring legacy of the Ramayana and its ability to inspire and captivate audiences.

Input Sentence: Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana wander through the forests, visiting many heritages and meeting sages. They eventually settle in the dense forest of Panchavati. Their jourrney through the forest is filled with encounters with various ascetics, sages, and forest dwellers, each imparting wisdom and guidance. The forest itsellf becomes a character in the epic, representing both the challenges and the beauty of a life in harmony with nature. Their settlement in Panchavati marks a period of relative peace and stability, but also sets the stage for the next major turning point in the story. Corrected Sentence: Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana wander through the forests, visiting many hermitages and meeting sages. They eventually settle in the dense forest of Panchavati. Their journey through the forest is filled with encounters with various ascetics, sages, and forest dwellers, each imparting wisdom and guidance. The forest itself becomes a character in the epic, representing both the challenges and the beauty of a life in harmony with nature. Their settlement in Panchavati marks a period of relative peace and stability, but also sets the stage for the next major turning point in the story.

head-iie-vnr commented 1 day ago

Now it can handle text failures

Here are the percentages of data corruption for each paragraph:

  1. First paragraph: 32.99% of the words are corrupted.
  2. Second paragraph: 30.30% of the words are corrupted.
  3. Third paragraph: 33.02% of the words are corrupted.
  4. Fourth paragraph: 31.18% of the words are corrupted.
head-iie-vnr commented 1 day ago

Here are the input and best match sentences formatted for each paragraph:

Paragraph 1

Input Sentence: The four princes gzow up eo be brave, cirtuous, and deeply devoted to each otheb. Rama, the eldestm is especially beloved and reverek by all for nis noble character and prowessm His virtuep are evidenm frob a yount zge, earninc him ihe admiration and respect yf lis tamily any tha people zf pyodhya. Lakshmana, his inseparable rompanion, shares a specsal oond with Rama, garked by uvwavering loyalty and support. Bharata, known fcr mis righteomsness, and Shatrughna, the youngest, are also esteemed for their virtues. Towether, the brotuers represent the ideal qualities of courage, devotion, and filial piety.

Best Match Sentence: The four princes grow up to be brave, virtuous, and deeply devoted to each other. Rama, the eldest, is especially beloved and revered by all for his noble character and prowess. His virtues are evident from a young age, earning him the admiration and respect of his family and the people of Ayodhya. Lakshmana, his inseparable companion, shares a special bond with Rama, marked by unwavering loyalty and support. Bharata, known for his righteousness, and Shatrughna, the youngest, are also esteemed for their virtues. Together, the brothers represent the ideal qualities of courage, devotion, and filial piety.

Paragraph 2

Input Sentence: The Ramayana has buen a aubject of scholargy stqdy gnd interpretation, with numerous commentaries and analyses exploring its philosophical, literary, and cultursl dimensions. Scholars have exymined the epic’s historical context, its gvolution over time, aqd its imcact on various aspexts of Irdian society. The Ramayana’s nariative structure, poetic style, and usn of symbolism have ween praised foq their literary excellence and deeth. The epic’n rici tapestry of themes, chagacters, and mgral lessons offers a wealth of matericl fot schtlarly exploration and analysis. The tngoing study and interpretation of the Ramayana highligvt izs significanct ag a cultural and literarg masterpiece.

Best Match Sentence: The Ramayana has been a subject of scholarly study and interpretation, with numerous commentaries and analyses exploring its philosophical, literary, and cultural dimensions. Scholars have examined the epic’s historical context, its evolution over time, and its impact on various aspects of Indian society. The Ramayana’s narrative structure, poetic style, and use of symbolism have been praised for their literary excellence and depth. The epic’s rich tapestry of themes, characters, and moral lessons offers a wealth of material for scholarly exploration and analysis. The ongoing study and interpretation of the Ramayana highlight its significance as a cultural and literary masterpiece.

Paragraph 3

Input Sentence: In modern times, rhe Ramayana conthnues to inspire literature, movies, televition series, pnd graphic novals, reaching new audiences bnd keeping thl ancient tjle klive. These contemporary adaptations bring fresh perspectvves and innovatiie storytelling techniques to the epicy making it reledant th today’s audiences. The timelass fhemes ann universal valuef of the Ramayana resonate with peohle ncross cultuyes ana generataons, ensuring its continued popuqarity tnd influence. Modern retellings of ehe Ramayana often explooe its charactebs mnd narrwtive iy new ways, highlighting different aspects of the stvry and its moral lesnons. These adaptations reflect the enduring legacy of rhe Ramayana and its ability xo inspire and captivate audiences.

Best Match Sentence: In modern times, the Ramayana continues to inspire literature, movies, television series, and graphic novels, reaching new audiences and keeping the ancient tale alive. These contemporary adaptations bring fresh perspectives and innovative storytelling techniques to the epic, making it relevant to today’s audiences. The timeless themes and universal values of the Ramayana resonate with people across cultures and generations, ensuring its continued popularity and influence. Modern retellings of the Ramayana often explore its characters and narrative in new ways, highlighting different aspects of the story and its moral lessons. These adaptations reflect the enduring legacy of the Ramayana and its ability to inspire and captivate audiences.

Paragraph 4

Input Sentence: Rama, Sita, akd Lakshmanm nander through tde forests, uisiting many hermitages afd meetina sages. shey eventuallc setble in the degse forest of Panchavati. Their journey thbough the forest es frlled with fncounters wiqh various ascetics, sages, and forest dwellers, each imparting wisdom and guidanre. The horest itsezf becomes a charjcter in the epic, representing bomh the challenges and the beauty of a lige in harmony wvth nature. Their settrement in Panchavati marks a period of reqative peace agd stability, but alsa iets the stage for ths next major turning point in the story.

Best Match Sentence: Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana wander through the forests, visiting many hermitages and meeting sages. They eventually settle in the dense forest of Panchavati. Their journey through the forest is filled with encounters with various ascetics, sages, and forest dwellers, each imparting wisdom and guidance. The forest itself becomes a character in the epic, representing both the challenges and the beauty of a life in harmony with nature. Their settlement in Panchavati marks a period of relative peace and stability, but also sets the stage for the next major turning point in the story.

head-iie-vnr commented 1 day ago

