Viincenttt / MollieApi

This project allows you to easily add the Mollie payment provider to your application.
MIT License
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Unable to build project rzc discover exited with code -2147450730 #247

Closed DuraScrin closed 3 years ago

DuraScrin commented 3 years ago

I was unable to build this project with VS 2019 ver 16.10.0

Error: rzc discover exited with code -2147450730

dotnet build command output: Determining projects to restore... C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.EolTargetFrameworks.targets(28,5): warning NETSDK1138: The target framework 'netcoreapp2.2' is out of support and will not receive security updates in the future. Please refer to for more information about the support policy. [C:\Users\Me\Downloads\MollieApi-development\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample.csproj] All projects are up-to-date for restore. C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.EolTargetFrameworks.targets(28,5): warning NETSDK1138: The target framework 'netcoreapp2.2' is out of support and will not receive security updates in the future. Please refer to for more information about the support policy. [C:\Users\Me\Downloads\MollieApi-development\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample.csproj] Mollie.Api -> C:\Users\Me\Downloads\MollieApi-development\Mollie.Api\bin\Debug\netstandard1.2\Mollie.Api.dll Mollie.Api -> C:\Users\Me\Downloads\MollieApi-development\Mollie.Api\bin\Debug\net45\Mollie.Api.dll Mollie.Tests.Unit -> C:\Users\Me\Downloads\MollieApi-development\Mollie.Tests.Unit\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Mollie.Tests.Unit.dll Mollie.Tests.Integration -> C:\Users\Me\Downloads\MollieApi-development\Mollie.Tests.Integration\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Mollie.Tests.Integration.dll

Bundler: Begin processing bundleconfig.json Bundler: Done processing bundleconfig.json It was not possible to find any compatible framework version The framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '2.0.9' was not found.


C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.EolTargetFrameworks.targets(28,5): warning NETSDK1138: The target framework 'netcoreapp2.2' is out of support and will not receive security updates in the future. Please refer to for more information about the support policy. [C:\Users\Me\Downloads\MollieApi-development\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample.csproj] C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.EolTargetFrameworks.targets(28,5): warning NETSDK1138: The target framework 'netcoreapp2.2' is out of support and will not receive security updates in the future. Please refer to for more information about the support policy. [C:\Users\Me\Downloads\MollieApi-development\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample.csproj] C:\Users\Me.nuget\packages\\2.2.0\build\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Design.CodeGeneration.targets(131,5): error : rzc generate exited with code -2147450730. [C:\Users\Me\Downloads\MollieApi-development\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample\Mollie.WebApplicationCoreExample.csproj] 2 Warning(s) 1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:23.37 MollieApi - Microsoft Visual Studio

Viincenttt commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the notice. I'll try to update the example project to a newer version soon. In the mean time, you can exclude the example project. The Mollie.Api project is the one you'll need :)

DuraScrin commented 3 years ago

Thx. For now this project runs if you switch target framework to .NET Core 2.1 & run it in IIS. Not all components will works as expected but the project will compile.

Viincenttt commented 3 years ago

Hi @DuraScrin

I have upgraded the example project to a .NET5 project, so it's completely up-to-date again. If you pull the latest version from the development or master branch, you should no longer receive any warnings/errors from visual studio.

Kind regards, Vincent