Viincenttt / MollieApi

This project allows you to easily add the Mollie payment provider to your application.
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Create customer throws error when using the testmode property in the request #342

Closed gijsbertpieterbrouwer closed 4 months ago

gijsbertpieterbrouwer commented 4 months ago


  var customerRequest = new CustomerRequest()
      Email = email,
      Name = name,
      Locale = Locale.en_US,
      Testmode = IsTest,
      Metadata = metaData,

  ICustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient(ApiKey);
  var customerResponse = customerClient.CreateCustomerAsync(customerRequest).Result;

Gives error: {Mollie.Api.Client.MollieApiException: Unprocessable Entity - Non-existent body parameter "testmode" for this API call. Did you mean: "name"? at Mollie.Api.Client.BaseMollieClient.ProcessHttpResponseMessage[T](HttpResponseMessage response) at Mollie.Api.Client.BaseMollieClient.SendHttpRequest[T](HttpMethod httpMethod, String relativeUri, Object data) at Mollie.Api.Client.BaseMollieClient.PostAsync[T](String relativeUri, Object data) at Mollie.Api.Client.CustomerClient.CreateCustomerAsync(CustomerRequest request)}

Which in fact is weird considering that the docs of mollie say there is a testmode property in the request:

BUT in the sample of mollie the request says: "mode": "test", instead of "testmode":true

Viincenttt commented 4 months ago

Hi @gijsbertpieterbrouwer

The testmode parameter is only for OAuth tokens, not API keys. For API keys, you already have a separation between live and test.

Viincenttt commented 4 months ago

Closing this issue for now, let me know if you need any other help :)