Vijayagiridharan / Food-Truck-Application-API-

This group is for ACS 567 Software Project Management project "Food Truck Application"
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Functional Requirement: Deactivation of User Profile via API #29

Open Vijayagiridharan opened 5 months ago

Vijayagiridharan commented 5 months ago

User Story: I want to deactivate my profile so that my data is no longer accessible because I am a user who no longer wants to utilize the site.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The user deactivates their profile by going to the account settings.
  2. The user is prompted by the system to confirm the decision to deactivate.
  3. The user's profile is deactivated after confirmation.
  4. The user gets an email confirming the deactivation.
  5. After deactivating their profile, the user is unable to log in.
parisha6 commented 5 months ago

need to check with other POs if they need it