Vijayagiridharan / Food-Truck-Application-API-

This group is for ACS 567 Software Project Management project "Food Truck Application"
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Nonfunctional Requirement: Load Balance Configuration for High Availability #35

Open Vijayagiridharan opened 5 months ago

Vijayagiridharan commented 5 months ago

User Story:

As a user, I want to be able to use the platform without any delays, especially during moments of high traffic. I want the platform to be responsive and available.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Load balancing is set up on the platform to divide traffic equally across several servers.
  2. The platform never experiences downtime and maintains quick response times even during periods of high demand.
  3. The effectiveness of the system is tracked, and load balancing is adjusted as necessary.
parisha6 commented 5 months ago

do we want a load balancer as part of MVP