Vijayagiridharan / Food-Truck-Application-API-

This group is for ACS 567 Software Project Management project "Food Truck Application"
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SPIKE STORY: Evaluating the Food Truck Owner's Social Media Integration API #37

Open Vijayagiridharan opened 5 months ago

Vijayagiridharan commented 5 months ago

Examine the viability and advantages of social media integration for food truck operators.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Platform Analysis: Determine which social media sites are most popular with food truck operators.
  2. API Compatibility: Evaluate how well social media APIs work with the tech stack of the platform.
  3. Feature Exploration: Look at essential features for integrating social media (such as updating status updates and retrieving postings).
  4. User Experience: Examine how integrating social media improves the user experience.
  5. Auth & Authorization: Look into safe authentication and permission for links between social media accounts.
parisha6 commented 5 months ago

not required as part of Sprint 1