VikParuchuri / marker

Convert PDF to markdown quickly with high accuracy
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can't install Ray #97

Closed amuricys closed 2 months ago

amuricys commented 3 months ago

After updating lock file (see #94), running poetry install fails at Ray:

poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file

Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals

  - Installing ray (2.9.0): Failed


  Unable to find installation candidates for ray (2.9.0)

Running on intel macOS 13.5.2, poetry 1.8.2

kiwis0 commented 3 months ago

having the same issue, as well as torch

mac 13.5.2 Poetry Version: 1.8.2 Poetry-Core Version: 1.9.0

dhoelzgen commented 3 months ago

Disclaimer: I'm not a Python pro

Could the problem be related to the Python version? I tried to install it on 3.12, which did not work, same error, neither with the currently locked deps nor with updated ones.

I switched to 3.10 poetry env use python3.10, and it worked flawlessly.

W00glin commented 3 months ago

Disclaimer: I'm not a Python pro

Could the problem be related to the Python version? I tried to install it on 3.12, which did not work, same error, neither with the currently locked deps nor with updated ones.

I switched to 3.10 poetry env use python3.10, and it worked flawlessly.

Thanks! This allowed me to install ray For anyone else who might be struggling -

I installed python3.10 from homebrew via

brew install python@3.10

Probably not the most ideal way to install ray but I'm just messing around to see if I can get this working.

Then I ran -

cd /opt/marker
sudo poetry env use python3.10

Next I ran the install via poertry (ignore the sudo my permissions are all kinda of borked up) -

sudo poetry install

And got this output -

Installing dependencies from lock file

Package operations: 176 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

  - Installing attrs (23.2.0)
  - Installing rpds-py (0.18.0)
  - Installing referencing (0.34.0)
  - Installing six (1.16.0)
  - Installing jsonschema-specifications (2023.12.1)
  - Installing platformdirs (4.2.0)
  - Installing python-dateutil (2.9.0.post0)
  - Installing traitlets (5.14.3)
  - Installing types-python-dateutil (
  - Installing arrow (1.3.0)
  - Installing fastjsonschema (2.19.1)
  - Installing jsonschema (4.21.1)
  - Installing jupyter-core (5.7.2)
  - Installing pycparser (2.22)
  - Installing pyzmq (26.0.2)
  - Installing tornado (6.4)
  - Installing cffi (1.16.0)
  - Installing fqdn (1.5.1)
  - Installing idna (3.7)
  - Installing isoduration (20.11.0)
  - Installing jsonpointer (2.4)
  - Installing jupyter-client (8.6.1)
  - Installing markupsafe (2.1.5)
  - Installing nbformat (5.10.4)
  - Installing ptyprocess (0.7.0)
  - Installing rfc3339-validator (0.1.4)
  - Installing rfc3986-validator (0.1.1)
  - Installing soupsieve (2.5)
  - Installing uri-template (1.3.0)
  - Installing webcolors (1.13)
  - Installing webencodings (0.5.1)
  - Installing argon2-cffi-bindings (21.2.0)
  - Installing asttokens (2.4.1)
  - Installing beautifulsoup4 (4.12.3)
  - Installing bleach (6.1.0)
  - Installing defusedxml (0.7.1)
  - Installing exceptiongroup (1.2.1)
  - Installing executing (2.0.1)
  - Installing jinja2 (3.1.3)
  - Installing jupyterlab-pygments (0.3.0)
  - Installing mistune (3.0.2)
  - Installing nbclient (0.10.0)
  - Installing packaging (24.0)
  - Installing pandocfilters (1.5.1)
  - Installing parso (0.8.4)
  - Installing pure-eval (0.2.2)
  - Installing pygments (2.17.2)
  - Installing python-json-logger (2.0.7)
  - Installing sniffio (1.3.1)
  - Installing pyyaml (6.0.1)
  - Installing terminado (0.18.1)
  - Installing tinycss2 (1.2.1)
  - Installing typing-extensions (4.11.0)
  - Installing wcwidth (0.2.13)
  - Installing anyio (4.3.0)
  - Installing argon2-cffi (23.1.0)
  - Installing certifi (2024.2.2)
  - Installing charset-normalizer (3.3.2)
  - Installing decorator (5.1.1)
  - Installing h11 (0.14.0)
  - Installing jedi (0.19.1)
  - Installing jupyter-events (0.10.0)
  - Installing jupyter-server-terminals (0.5.3)
  - Installing matplotlib-inline (0.1.7)
  - Installing mdurl (0.1.2)
  - Installing nbconvert (7.16.3)
  - Installing numpy (1.26.4)
  - Installing overrides (7.7.0)
  - Installing pexpect (4.9.0)
  - Installing prometheus-client (0.20.0)
  - Installing prompt-toolkit (3.0.43)
  - Installing pytz (2024.1)
  - Installing send2trash (1.8.3)
  - Installing smmap (5.0.1)
  - Installing stack-data (0.6.3)
  - Installing tzdata (2024.1)
  - Installing urllib3 (2.2.1)
  - Installing websocket-client (1.7.0)
  - Installing appnope (0.1.4)
  - Installing babel (2.14.0)
  - Installing comm (0.2.2)
  - Installing debugpy (1.8.1)
  - Installing filelock (3.13.4)
  - Installing fsspec (2024.3.1)
  - Installing gitdb (4.0.11)
  - Installing httpcore (1.0.5)
  - Installing ipython (8.18.1)
  - Installing json5 (0.9.25)
  - Installing jupyter-server (2.14.0)
  - Installing markdown-it-py (3.0.0)
  - Installing nest-asyncio (1.6.0)
  - Installing pandas (2.2.2)
  - Installing psutil (5.9.8)
  - Installing requests (2.31.0)
  - Installing toolz (0.12.1)
  - Installing tqdm (4.66.2)
  - Installing wrapt (1.16.0)
  - Installing altair (5.3.0)
  - Installing annotated-types (0.6.0)
  - Installing async-lru (2.0.4)
  - Installing blinker (1.7.0)
  - Installing cachetools (5.3.3)
  - Installing click (8.1.7)
  - Installing deprecated (1.2.14)
  - Installing gitpython (3.1.43)
  - Installing httpx (0.27.0)
  - Installing huggingface-hub (0.19.4)
  - Installing ipykernel (6.29.4)
  - Installing jupyter-lsp (2.2.5)
  - Installing jupyterlab-server (2.27.0)
  - Installing lxml (5.2.1)
  - Installing notebook-shim (0.2.4)
  - Installing pillow (10.3.0)
  - Installing protobuf (4.25.3)
  - Installing pyarrow (16.0.0)
  - Installing pydantic-core (2.18.1)
  - Installing pydeck (0.8.0)
  - Installing rich (13.7.1)
  - Installing tenacity (8.2.3)
  - Installing toml (0.10.2)
  - Installing tomli (2.0.1)
  - Installing chardet (5.2.0)
  - Installing cryptography (42.0.5)
  - Installing frozenlist (1.4.1)
  - Installing jupyterlab (4.1.6)
  - Installing jupyterlab-widgets (3.0.10)
  - Installing mpmath (1.3.0)
  - Installing pikepdf (8.15.1)
  - Installing pydantic (2.7.0)
  - Installing python-dotenv (1.0.1)
  - Installing qtpy (2.4.1)
  - Installing regex (2024.4.16)
  - Installing safetensors (0.4.3)
  - Installing streamlit (1.33.0)
  - Installing tokenizers (0.19.1)
  - Installing widgetsnbextension (4.0.10)
  - Installing aiosignal (1.3.1)
  - Installing deprecation (2.1.0)
  - Installing ftfy (6.2.0)
  - Installing img2pdf (0.5.1)
  - Installing ipywidgets (8.1.2)
  - Installing joblib (1.4.0)
  - Installing jupyter-console (6.6.3)
  - Installing msgpack (1.0.8)
  - Installing networkx (3.2.1)
  - Installing notebook (7.1.3)
  - Installing pdfminer-six (20231228)
  - Installing pluggy (1.5.0)
  - Installing pydantic-settings (2.2.1)
  - Installing pymupdfb (1.24.1)
  - Installing pypdfium2 (4.29.0)
  - Installing qtconsole (5.5.1)
  - Installing rapidfuzz (3.8.1)
  - Installing reportlab (4.2.0)
  - Installing scipy (1.13.0)
  - Installing streamlit-drawable-canvas-jsretry (0.9.3)
  - Installing sympy (1.12)
  - Installing tabulate (0.9.0)
  - Installing threadpoolctl (3.4.0)
  - Installing transformers (4.40.0)
  - Installing watchdog (3.0.0)
  - Installing bitsandbytes (0.41.3.post2): Pending...
  - Installing bitsandbytes (0.41.3.post2): Installing...
  - Installing bitsandbytes (0.41.3.post2)
  - Installing grpcio (1.62.2)
  - Installing jupyter (1.0.0)
  - Installing nltk (3.8.1)
  - Installing ocrmypdf (15.4.4)
  - Installing pymupdf (1.24.2)
  - Installing pymupdf-fonts (1.0.5)
  - Installing pyspellchecker (0.7.3)
  - Installing pytesseract (0.3.10)
  - Installing python-magic (0.4.27)
  - Installing ray (2.11.0)
  - Installing scikit-learn (1.4.2)
  - Installing texify (0.1.8)
  - Installing thefuzz (0.20.0)
  - Installing torch (2.2.2)

Installing the current project: marker-pdf (0.1.3)

Running into a seperate error with cuda but I will look into that elsewhere.

VikParuchuri commented 2 months ago

I'll bump the ray version