VikeLabs / courseup

An open-source website built to simplify the experience of searching courses and building timetables for the University of Victoria.
42 stars 28 forks source link

Add abbreviated building names alongside the "where" attribute on MeetingTime attribute #287

Closed aomi closed 2 years ago

aomi commented 3 years ago
"meetingTimes": [
        "type": "Every Week",
        "time": "12:30 pm - 1:20 pm",
        "days": "TWF",
        "where": "David Turpin Building A110",
        "dateRange": "Sep 08, 2021 - Dec 06, 2021",
        "scheduleType": "Lecture",
        "instructors": [
          "Laura Elizabeth Teshima (P)"

Modify the endpoint for sections and add a shortWhere attribute (or something more appropriate) on the MeetingTime type. In this case it would be "shortWhere": "DTB A110".

Start with modifying the getSections response and augment the raw data.

aomi commented 3 years ago
    "title": "Alice Ravenhill Hall (RRA)",
    "long": "Alice Ravenhill Hall",
    "short": "RRA",
    "url": "buildings/ravenhill.php"
    "title": "Arthur Currie (RAC)",
    "long": "Arthur Currie",
    "short": "RAC",
    "url": "buildings/arthur-currie-rac.php"
    "title": "Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (BMSC)",
    "long": "Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre",
    "short": "BMSC",
    "url": "buildings/bamfield-marine-sciences.php"
    "title": "Bev Glover Greenhouse Facility (GGF)",
    "long": "Bev Glover Greenhouse Facility",
    "short": "GGF",
    "url": "buildings/glover-greenhouse-facility.php"
    "title": "Bob Wright Centre (BWC)",
    "long": "Bob Wright Centre",
    "short": "BWC",
    "url": "buildings/bob-wright-centre-ocean-earth-and-atmospheric-sciences.php"
    "title": "Business & Economics Building (BEC)",
    "long": "Business & Economics Building",
    "short": "BEC",
    "url": "buildings/business-and-economics.php"
    "title": "Campus Bike Centre",
    "url": "buildings/campus-bike-centre.php"
    "title": "Campus Security Building (SEC)",
    "long": "Campus Security Building",
    "short": "SEC",
    "url": "buildings/campus-security.php"
    "title": "Campus Services (CSR)",
    "long": "Campus Services",
    "short": "CSR",
    "url": "buildings/campus-services.php"
    "title": "Carroll (RCA)",
    "long": "Carroll",
    "short": "RCA",
    "url": "buildings/carroll.php"
    "title": "Centennial Stadium (STA)",
    "long": "Centennial Stadium",
    "short": "STA",
    "url": "buildings/centennial-stadium.php"
    "title": "Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities (CARSA)",
    "long": "Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities",
    "short": "CARSA",
    "url": "buildings/carsa.php"
    "title": "Child Care Complex (CCC)",
    "long": "Child Care Complex",
    "short": "CCC",
    "url": "buildings/child-care-complex.php"
    "title": "Clearihue (CLE)",
    "long": "Clearihue",
    "short": "CLE",
    "url": "buildings/clearihue.php"
    "title": "Cluster (R51-R61)",
    "long": "Cluster",
    "short": "R51-R61",
    "url": "buildings/cluster-r51-r61.php"
    "title": "Continuing Studies (CST)",
    "long": "Continuing Studies",
    "short": "CST",
    "url": "buildings/continuing-studies.php"
    "title": "Cornett (COR)",
    "long": "Cornett",
    "short": "COR",
    "url": "buildings/cornett.php"
    "title": "Craigdarroch Office (CRA)",
    "long": "Craigdarroch Office",
    "short": "CRA",
    "url": "buildings/craigdarroch-office.php"
    "title": "Cunningham (CUN)",
    "long": "Cunningham",
    "short": "CUN",
    "url": "buildings/cunningham.php"
    "title": "David Strong (DSB)",
    "long": "David Strong",
    "short": "DSB",
    "url": "buildings/david-strong.php"
    "title": "David Thompson (RDT)",
    "long": "David Thompson",
    "short": "RDT",
    "url": "buildings/david-thompson.php"
    "title": "David Turpin (DTB)",
    "long": "David Turpin",
    "short": "DTB",
    "url": "buildings/david-turpin.php"
    "title": "District Energy Plant",
    "url": "buildings/district-energy-plant.php"
    "title": "Elliott (ELL)",
    "long": "Elliott",
    "short": "ELL",
    "url": "buildings/elliott.php"
    "title": "Engineering & Computer Science (ECS)",
    "long": "Engineering & Computer Science",
    "short": "ECS",
    "url": "buildings/engineering-computer-science.php"
    "title": "Engineering Lab Wing (ELW)",
    "long": "Engineering Lab Wing",
    "short": "ELW",
    "url": "buildings/engineering-lab-wing.php"
    "title": "Engineering Office Wing (EOW)",
    "long": "Engineering Office Wing",
    "short": "EOW",
    "url": "buildings/engineering-office-wing.php"
    "title": "Enterprise Data Centre (EDC)",
    "long": "Enterprise Data Centre",
    "short": "EDC",
    "url": "buildings/enterprise-data-centre.php"
    "title": "Fine Arts (FIA)",
    "long": "Fine Arts",
    "short": "FIA",
    "url": "buildings/fine-arts.php"
    "title": "Finnerty Gardens",
    "url": "buildings/finnerty-gardens.php"
    "title": "First Peoples House (FPH)",
    "long": "First Peoples House",
    "short": "FPH",
    "url": "buildings/first-peoples-house.php"
    "title": "Fraser (FRA)",
    "long": "Fraser",
    "short": "FRA",
    "url": "buildings/fraser.php"
    "title": "Halpern Centre for Graduate Students (GSC)",
    "long": "Halpern Centre for Graduate Students",
    "short": "GSC",
    "url": "buildings/halpern-centre.php"
    "title": "Health and Wellness (HWB)",
    "long": "Health and Wellness",
    "short": "HWB",
    "url": "buildings/health-wellness.php"
    "title": "Helmcken (RHE)",
    "long": "Helmcken",
    "short": "RHE",
    "url": "buildings/helmcken.php"
    "title": "Hickman (HHB)",
    "long": "Hickman",
    "short": "HHB",
    "url": "buildings/hickman.php"
    "title": "Hodges (RHO)",
    "long": "Hodges",
    "short": "RHO",
    "url": "buildings/hodges-rho.php"
    "title": "Hugh Stephen (RHS)",
    "long": "Hugh Stephen",
    "short": "RHS",
    "url": "buildings/hugh-stephen.php"
    "title": "Human & Social Development (HSD)",
    "long": "Human & Social Development",
    "short": "HSD",
    "url": "buildings/human-and-social-development.php"
    "title": "Hut A",
    "url": "buildings/hut-a.php"
    "title": "Hut B",
    "url": "buildings/hut-b.php"
    "title": "Hut E",
    "url": "buildings/hut-e.php"
    "title": "Hut Q",
    "url": "buildings/hut-q.php"
    "title": "Hut R",
    "url": "buildings/hut-r.php"
    "title": "Hut V",
    "url": "buildings/hut-v.php"
    "title": "Hut Y",
    "url": "buildings/hut-y.php"
    "title": "Ian Stewart Complex (ISC)",
    "long": "Ian Stewart Complex",
    "short": "ISC",
    "url": "buildings/ian-stewart-complex.php"
    "title": "Jamie Cassels Centre (JCC)",
    "long": "Jamie Cassels Centre",
    "short": "JCC",
    "url": "buildings/jamie-cassels-centre.php"
    "title": "Joseph Cunliffe (RJC)",
    "long": "Joseph Cunliffe",
    "short": "RJC",
    "url": "buildings/joseph-cunliffe.php"
    "title": "Lam Family Student Housing Complex (R01-39)",
    "long": "Lam Family Student Housing Complex",
    "short": "R01-39",
    "url": "buildings/lam-family-student-housing-complex.php"
    "title": "Lansdowne Residence #1 (RL1)",
    "long": "Lansdowne Residence #1",
    "short": "RL1",
    "url": "buildings/lansdowne-residence-1.php"
    "title": "Lou-Poy Child Care Centre (HLP)",
    "long": "Lou-Poy Child Care Centre",
    "short": "HLP",
    "url": "buildings/lou-poy-child-care-centre.php"
    "title": "MacLaurin (MAC)",
    "long": "MacLaurin",
    "short": "MAC",
    "url": "buildings/maclaurin.php"
    "title": "Marine Technology Centre (MTC)",
    "long": "Marine Technology Centre",
    "short": "MTC",
    "url": "buildings/marine-technology-centre.php"
    "title": "McKinnon (MCK)",
    "long": "McKinnon",
    "short": "MCK",
    "url": "buildings/mckinnon.php"
    "title": "McPherson Library (LIB)",
    "long": "McPherson Library",
    "short": "LIB",
    "url": "buildings/mcpherson-library.php"
    "title": "Mearns Centre for Learning (MCL)",
    "long": "Mearns Centre for Learning",
    "short": "MCL",
    "url": "buildings/mearns-centre-for-learning.php"
    "title": "Medical Sciences (MSB)",
    "long": "Medical Sciences",
    "short": "MSB",
    "url": "buildings/medical-sciences.php"
    "title": "Michael Williams (MWB)",
    "long": "Michael Williams",
    "short": "MWB",
    "url": "buildings/michael-williams.php"
    "title": "Modular Dining Facility (MOD)",
    "long": "Modular Dining Facility",
    "short": "MOD",
    "url": "buildings/modular-dining-facility-mod.php"
    "title": "Multifaith Centre",
    "url": "buildings/multifaith-centre.php"
    "title": "Ocean-Climate at the Queenswood Campus",
    "url": "buildings/ocean-climate-building-at-the-queenswood-campus.php"
    "title": "Outdoor Aquatic Unit (OAU)",
    "long": "Outdoor Aquatic Unit",
    "short": "OAU",
    "url": "buildings/outdoor-aquatic-unit.php"
    "title": "Park (R42)",
    "long": "Park",
    "short": "R42",
    "url": "buildings/park-r42.php"
    "title": "Petch (PCH)",
    "long": "Petch",
    "short": "PCH",
    "url": "buildings/petch.php"
    "title": "Phoenix Theatre (PNX)",
    "long": "Phoenix Theatre",
    "short": "PNX",
    "url": "buildings/phoenix-theatre.php"
    "title": "Poole House (RPH)",
    "long": "Poole House",
    "short": "RPH",
    "url": "buildings/poole-house.php"
    "title": "R. Haig Brown (RHB)",
    "long": "R. Haig Brown",
    "short": "RHB",
    "url": "buildings/r-haig-brown.php"
    "title": "Richard Wilson (RRW)",
    "long": "Richard Wilson",
    "short": "RRW",
    "url": "buildings/richard-wilson.php"
    "title": "Ring Road (R40)",
    "long": "Ring Road",
    "short": "R40",
    "url": "buildings/ring-road-r40.php"
    "title": "Robert Wallace Hall (RWA)",
    "long": "Robert Wallace Hall",
    "short": "RWA",
    "url": "buildings/wallace-hall.php"
    "title": "Sanderson (RSA)",
    "long": "Sanderson",
    "short": "RSA",
    "url": "buildings/sanderson.php"
    "title": "Saunders (SAU)",
    "long": "Saunders",
    "short": "SAU",
    "url": "buildings/saunders.php"
    "title": "Saunders Annex (SAA)",
    "long": "Saunders Annex",
    "short": "SAA",
    "url": "buildings/saunders-annex.php"
    "title": "Sedgewick (SED)",
    "long": "Sedgewick",
    "short": "SED",
    "url": "buildings/sedgewick.php"
    "title": "Shirley Baker (RSB)",
    "long": "Shirley Baker",
    "short": "RSB",
    "url": "buildings/shirley-baker.php"
    "title": "South Tower (R43)",
    "long": "South Tower",
    "short": "R43",
    "url": "buildings/south-tower.php"
    "title": "Student Union (SUB)",
    "long": "Student Union",
    "short": "SUB",
    "url": "buildings/student-union.php"
    "title": "Tower (R41)",
    "long": "Tower",
    "short": "R41",
    "url": "buildings/tower-r41.php"
    "title": "University Club (UCL)",
    "long": "University Club",
    "short": "UCL",
    "url": "buildings/university-club.php"
    "title": "University House 1 (UH1)",
    "long": "University House 1",
    "short": "UH1",
    "url": "buildings/university-house-1.php"
    "title": "University House 2 (UH2)",
    "long": "University House 2",
    "short": "UH2",
    "url": "buildings/university-house-2.php"
    "title": "University House 3 (UH3)",
    "long": "University House 3",
    "short": "UH3",
    "url": "buildings/university-house-3.php"
    "title": "University House 4 (UH4)",
    "long": "University House 4",
    "short": "UH4",
    "url": "buildings/university-house-4.php"
    "title": "University House 5 (UH5)",
    "long": "University House 5",
    "short": "UH5",
    "url": "buildings/university-house-5.php"
    "title": "Visual Arts (VIA)",
    "long": "Visual Arts",
    "short": "VIA",
    "url": "buildings/visual-arts.php"
keithradford commented 3 years ago

This is a list of "long" building names, as per how BAN1P calls them

  'Cornett Building',
  'Petch Building',
  'Elliott Building',
  'Engineering Comp Science Bldg',
  'Hickman Building',
  'MacLaurin Building',
  'Fraser Building',
  'Engineering Lab Wing',
  'David Strong Building',
  'David Turpin Building',
  'Clearihue Building',
  'Fine Arts Building',
  'McKinnon Building',
  'Visual Arts Building',
  'Bob Wright Centre',
  'Human & Social Development',
  "First People's House",
  'Cunningham Building',
  'Business & Economics Building',
  'McPherson Library',
  'Jamie Cassels Centre',
  'Phoenix Theatre',
  'Ian Stewart Complex',
  'Student Union Building'

Any unidentified building names will simply be undefined and if we see them on the site they can easily be added later.