VikeLabs / lecshare

A React application with typescript implementation: Making lectures more accessible for students with auditory, visual, or learning impairments; and Improving learning outcomes for students in lecture-based courses.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AWS DynamoDB backend research / development #64

Closed aomi closed 4 years ago

aomi commented 4 years ago

Lecshare needs a place to storage information!

We are going with a DynamoDB database (NoSQL).

Current Data:

The above list is hierarchical, where the top item encompasses the bottom. A course is part of a school and a class is part of a course. A class has lectures in it.

Any information that is directly related to a class will be stored or hold references to other data within that data item.

aomi commented 4 years ago

The current design decision is that there will be the following identifers used (how we can reference things within the application).

Each uses the previous to build itself. So a course key for CSC 100 at UVIC would be like UVIC#CSC#100 where CSC is the subject and 100 is the numerical identifier.

Say I want to tell someone the identifer for the class, UVIC#CSC#100#202009#A01 would map to a unique class. This is the current design but I'd like to hear what others thing @dereklowlind @ryleyw @malcolmseyd

aomi commented 4 years ago

There is currently not a way to identify lectures (which would be within a class). If there are any thoughts on this please note. Do we want them like L1 ... L{n} or should they be labelled. This isn't that hard to change in the future but I just wanted to note it down.

aomi commented 4 years ago

Finished basic implementation. Plenty to improve but a good start and provides example of some usage patterns.