Viki-coding / My-first-agile-project

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USER STORY <admin> #6

Open Viki-coding opened 2 weeks ago

Viki-coding commented 2 weeks ago

USER STORY: In order to automatically hide the poll as an administrator, I can pick the expiry date while publishing the poll.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. The poll should disapear at 11:59pm on the target date
  2. The real estate of the 'Poll' shod be reserved on the home page a message days 'Stay tuned, a new poll is coming soon' should appear if no other poll is active.
  3. The admin expiry date sholuld be at leaset 3 days after the current date.


Viki-coding commented 2 weeks ago

USER STORY: As admin i want to

Acceptance Criteria:

The poll should disapear at 11:59pm on the target date The real estate of the 'Poll' shod be reserved on the home page a message days 'Stay tuned, a new poll is coming soon' should appear if no other poll is active. The admin expiry date sholuld be at leaset 3 days after the current date. TASKS:

Update the amdin module view: the pooll design (HTML and CSS) to include data picker Update the webstie view: show "Stay tuned, a new poll coming soon' Create a Javascript function to validate the exp date is at least after 3 days. Create a job to check expired polls everyday at 11:59pm and hide them Update the controller fintopm Update unit test scripts Test the functionality