Closed Viki-coding closed 2 weeks ago
EPIC: Recipe Creation
As a Site User I can create a new recipe so that I can share it with other users
[ ] Recipe form as a title, description, category, image and ingredients.
[ ] The user can add as many ingredients as needed
[ ] The user can preview the recipe before submitting it
[ ] After submitting the receipe, the user is redirected to the recipe details page
[ ] If the user tried to create a recipe without being logged in, they are redirected to the login page
[ ] TASK 1: Design and implement new recipe item
[ ] TASK 2: Implement recipe upload functionality
[ ] TASK 3: Add recipe validation and error handling
[ ] TASK 4: Test recipe creation functionality
USER STORY: As a Site User I can create a new recipe so that I can share it with other users