ViktorPavlovA / guide-rknn

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Waiting for some bigger guide with examplanation #1

Open livelove1987 opened 1 month ago

livelove1987 commented 1 month ago

Hi, i found this repository because of your issue on yolov8 repository and im super stoked because it's first code which is working with my custom yolov8 model. It would be amazing if you could add more explanations about output reprocessing script i would really like to understand exactly how it works and how it was made. image

ViktorPavlovA commented 1 month ago


Sure. I will explain (maybe write video on youtube). Some part of code i found in this . Also part of explain you can find in rknn-zoo :

Inference on post-processing, but in used torch so on rockchip you don't needed it :

python --model_path <pt_model/onnx_model>--img_show