Viktorre / Netflix_Prize_Deep_Learning_Solution

ML algorithm infrastructure to predict user movie ratings on netflix platform
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Setup linter for project #18

Closed Viktorre closed 2 years ago

Viktorre commented 2 years ago

I decided to remove vscode/settings.json from .gitignore to have pylint and flake8 enabled in all future copies of the remote project.

AndreasLuckert commented 2 years ago

You should enable pylint and flake8 simultaneously.

For auto-formatting use yapf.

If you want to bring the automated code quality checks to the next level, employ pre-commit with the related hooks.

Viktorre commented 2 years ago

As in pre-commit I install the pre-commit package with pip, but I cannot run $ pre-commit --version in bash after the install. I could not resolve the problem in a reasonable time.