Villhellm / custom-sidebar

Custom Sidebar for Home Assistant
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Doesn't work with normal user #23

Open tineprogramming opened 3 years ago

tineprogramming commented 3 years ago

Works fine if it is administrator but not normal users.

Villhellm commented 3 years ago

You cannot have a new_item in a config that is not for administrators. It clones the configuration node, which doesn't exist if you aren't an admin. I'll look at implementing a workaround, but for now you can add an exception for non-admins

m-sterspace commented 3 years ago

The exceptions didn't seem to work for me. I tried doing it both ways, both excepting the user, and excepting the admin, and keeping the new item with the admin but either way it seemed to break the user's sidebar. Not the end of the world, just fyi.

Also, this module is awesome, thank you! 😊

Edit: hmm ... it seems to use the Display Name, and not the User Name?