Villhellm / custom-sidebar

Custom Sidebar for Home Assistant
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Exceptions not working #38

Closed Imburr closed 2 years ago

Imburr commented 2 years ago

I have tried every way to get exceptions working, and they simply wont. My goal here is:

When I run this code, everyone get the "All" view, including tablet:

title: All
  - item: map
    bottom: true
  - item: overview
  - item: history
    bottom: true
  - item: logbook
    bottom: true
  - item: supervisor
    bottom: true
  - item: Shopping List
    hide: true
  - item: Media Browser
    hide: true
  - item: Terminal
    hide: true
  - item: Server Controls
    bottom: true
  - item: HACS
    bottom: true
  - item: File editor
    bottom: true
  - item: Energy
    bottom: true
  - item: developer tools
    href: /developer-tools/state
    bottom: true
  - user: tablet
      - item: map
        hide: true
      - item: developer tools
        hide: true
      - item: File editor
        hide: true
      - item: HACS
        hide: true
      - item: Server Controls
        hide: true

If I change it to - not_user: tablet nothing changes. In fact if I make any changes under exceptions, nothing is changed no matter the user, device, or order.

Any tips?

Imburr commented 2 years ago

Nevermind, display name with capitalization worked, saw in a previous issue.