Vimjas / covimerage

Generate coverage information for Vim scripts.
MIT License
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Windows support? #90

Open rhysd opened 4 years ago

rhysd commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry for asking a question on issues page, but I could not find a proper place to do.

Does covimerage support Windows? Today I added Windows environment to CI for clever-f.vim. And I got a crash on covimerage write_coverage. It did output nothing to stderr and just exited with non-zero status.

My steps to run covimerage are as follows (assume :profile output is put in ./test directory):

- name: Install Python
  uses: actions/setup-python@v1
- name: Report coverage
  run: |
    pip install covimerage
    covimerage --version
    cd ./test
    covimerage write_coverage profile.txt
    coverage report
    coverage xml

I'm using actions/setup-python@v1 with no argument so Python version would be the latest stable.

blueyed commented 4 years ago

Should be supported in general, but might be buggy/broken. Try running it with -l debug.

rhysd commented 4 years ago

OK, let me have a try. Thank you for the advice.

blueyed commented 4 years ago

btw: having this (Windows) tested on CI via GitHub actions would be good I think - in case you feel like contributing this.

rhysd commented 4 years ago

Since I'm relying on covimerage in several projects, of course I'd like to contribute 😉 You mean adding GitHub Action workflow to run tests for covimerage on CI?

blueyed commented 4 years ago

Yes. Currently it is using CircleCI, which could be kept, but we could switch to GitHub actions for testing on Windows.

As for the issue: also try set -x (or the equivalent for Windows, if that does not work), to see what gets run really, i.e. if covimerage is exiting non-zero there really.

rhysd commented 4 years ago

OK, I think I can try to add a new GitHub Actions workflow to this repo.

I'm not familiar with Windows so I also don't know the replacement of set -x..

rhysd commented 4 years ago

I tried --loglevel debug --verbose and got following single output before covimerage exited with non-zero status:

Parsing file: profile.txt

It was output here:

I don't know why this line was not output:

I think dumping the profile output would be useful.

rhysd commented 4 years ago

FWIW, from release page, it says the latest version is 0.1.6. But on my action workflow, covimerage --version says 0.2.1. I'm not understanding this mimatch.

blueyed commented 4 years ago

FWIW, from release page, it says the latest version is 0.1.6. But on my action workflow, covimerage --version says 0.2.1. I'm not understanding this mimatch.

I've pushed missing tags now.

rhysd commented 4 years ago

I've pushed missing tags now.


I could retrieve profile output as follows:

SCRIPT  D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\plugin\clever-f.vim
Sourced 1 time
Total time:   0.000260
 Self time:   0.000260

count  total (s)   self (s)
    1              0.000007 if exists('g:loaded_clever_f') && g:loaded_clever_f
    1              0.000001 endif

    1              0.000025 noremap (clever-f-f)              clever_f#find_with('f')
    1              0.000010 noremap (clever-f-F)              clever_f#find_with('F')
    1              0.000009 noremap (clever-f-t)              clever_f#find_with('t')
    1              0.000008 noremap (clever-f-T)              clever_f#find_with('T')
    1              0.000008 noremap (clever-f-reset)          clever_f#reset()
    1              0.000010 noremap (clever-f-repeat-forward) clever_f#repeat(0)
    1              0.000009 noremap (clever-f-repeat-back)    clever_f#repeat(1)

    1              0.000004 if ! exists('g:clever_f_not_overwrites_standard_mappings')
    1              0.000006     nmap f (clever-f-f)
    1              0.000005     xmap f (clever-f-f)
    1              0.000005     omap f (clever-f-f)
    1              0.000076     nmap F (clever-f-F)
    1              0.000005     xmap F (clever-f-F)
    1              0.000005     omap F (clever-f-F)
    1              0.000005     nmap t (clever-f-t)
    1              0.000005     xmap t (clever-f-t)
    1              0.000005     omap t (clever-f-t)
    1              0.000005     nmap T (clever-f-T)
    1              0.000005     xmap T (clever-f-T)
    1              0.000005     omap T (clever-f-T)
    1              0.000001 endif

    1              0.000006 let g:loaded_clever_f = 1

SCRIPT  D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim
Sourced 1 time
Total time:   0.000828
 Self time:   0.000828

count  total (s)   self (s)
    1              0.000057 let s:save_cpo = &cpo
    1              0.000014 set cpo&vim

                            " constants
    1              0.000010 let s:ON_NVIM = has('nvim')

                            " configurations
    1              0.000006 let g:clever_f_across_no_line          = get(g:, 'clever_f_across_no_line', 0)
    1              0.000004 let g:clever_f_ignore_case             = get(g:, 'clever_f_ignore_case', 0)
    1              0.000004 let g:clever_f_use_migemo              = get(g:, 'clever_f_use_migemo', 0)
    1              0.000005 let g:clever_f_fix_key_direction       = get(g:, 'clever_f_fix_key_direction', 0)
    1              0.000005 let g:clever_f_show_prompt             = get(g:, 'clever_f_show_prompt', 0)
    1              0.000004 let g:clever_f_smart_case              = get(g:, 'clever_f_smart_case', 0)
    1              0.000005 let g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs   = get(g:, 'clever_f_chars_match_any_signs', '')
    1              0.000004 let g:clever_f_mark_cursor             = get(g:, 'clever_f_mark_cursor', 1)
    1              0.000005 let g:clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline  = get(g:, 'clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline', 1)
    1              0.000004 let g:clever_f_timeout_ms              = get(g:, 'clever_f_timeout_ms', 0)
    1              0.000004 let g:clever_f_mark_char               = get(g:, 'clever_f_mark_char', 1)
    1              0.000022 let g:clever_f_repeat_last_char_inputs = get(g:, 'clever_f_repeat_last_char_inputs', ["\"])
    1              0.000004 let g:clever_f_mark_direct             = get(g:, 'clever_f_mark_direct', 0)

                            " below variable must be set before loading this script
    1              0.000004 let g:clever_f_clean_labels_eagerly    = get(g:, 'clever_f_clean_labels_eagerly', 1)

                            " highlight labels
    1              0.000003 augroup plugin-clever-f-highlight
    1              0.000005     autocmd!
    1              0.000012     autocmd ColorScheme * highlight default CleverFDefaultLabel ctermfg=red ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold,underline guifg=red guibg=NONE gui=bold,underline
    1              0.000002 augroup END
    1              0.000017 highlight default CleverFDefaultLabel ctermfg=red ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold,underline guifg=red guibg=NONE gui=bold,underline

                            " Priority of highlight customization is:
                            "   High:   When g:clever_f_*_color
                            "   Middle: :highlight in a colorscheme
                            "   Low:    Default highlights
                            " When the variable is defined, it should be linked with :hi! since :hi does
                            " not overwrite existing highlight group. (#50)
    1              0.000003 if g:clever_f_mark_cursor
    1              0.000005     if exists('g:clever_f_mark_cursor_color')
                                    execute 'highlight! link CleverFCursor' g:clever_f_mark_cursor_color
    1              0.000002     else
    1              0.000004         highlight link CleverFCursor Cursor
    1              0.000001     endif
    1              0.000001 endif
    1              0.000002 if g:clever_f_mark_char
    1              0.000004     if exists('g:clever_f_mark_char_color')
                                    execute 'highlight! link CleverFChar' g:clever_f_mark_char_color
    1              0.000001     else
    1              0.000003         highlight link CleverFChar CleverFDefaultLabel
    1              0.000001     endif
    1              0.000001 endif
    1              0.000002 if g:clever_f_mark_direct
                                if exists('g:clever_f_mark_direct_color')
                                    execute 'highlight! link CleverFDirect' g:clever_f_mark_direct_color
                                    highlight link CleverFDirect CleverFDefaultLabel
    1              0.000001 endif

    1              0.000002 if g:clever_f_clean_labels_eagerly
    1              0.000002     augroup plugin-clever-f-permanent-finalizer
    1              0.000003         autocmd!
    1              0.000018         autocmd WinEnter,WinLeave,CmdWinLeave * if g:clever_f_mark_char | call s:remove_highlight() | endif
    1              0.000001     augroup END
    1              0.000001 endif
    1              0.000002 augroup plugin-clever-f-finalizer
    1              0.000003     autocmd!
    1              0.000001 augroup END

                            " initialize the internal state
    1              0.000003 let s:last_mode = ''
    1              0.000003 let s:previous_map = {}
    1              0.000003 let s:previous_pos = {}
    1              0.000002 let s:first_move = {}
    1              0.000002 let s:migemo_dicts = {}
    1              0.000003 let s:previous_char_num = {}
    1              0.000003 let s:timestamp = [0, 0]

                            " keys are mode string returned from mode()
    1              0.000004 function! clever_f#reset() abort
                                let s:previous_map = {}
                                let s:previous_pos = {}
                                let s:first_move = {}
                                let s:migemo_dicts = {}

                                " Note:
                                " [0, 0] may be invalid because the representation of return value of reltime() depends on implementation.
                                let s:timestamp = [0, 0]

                                call s:remove_highlight()

                                return ''

                            " hidden API for debug
    1              0.000002 function! clever_f#_reset_all() abort
                                call clever_f#reset()
                                let s:last_mode = ''
                                let s:previous_char_num = {}
                                autocmd! plugin-clever-f-finalizer
                                unlet! s:moved_forward

                                return ''

    1              0.000003 function! s:remove_highlight() abort
                                for h in filter(getmatches(), ' ==# "CleverFChar"')
                                    call matchdelete(

    1              0.000002 function! s:is_timedout() abort
                                let cur = reltime()
                                let rel = reltimestr(reltime(s:timestamp, cur))
                                let elapsed_ms = float2nr(str2float(rel) * 1000.0)
                                let s:timestamp = cur
                                return elapsed_ms > g:clever_f_timeout_ms

                            " highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved directly
    1              0.000003 function! s:mark_direct(forward, count) abort
                                let line = getline('.')
                                let [_, l, c, _] = getpos('.')

                                if (a:forward && c == len(line)) || (!a:forward && c == 1)
                                    " there is no matching characters
                                    return []

                                if g:clever_f_ignore_case
                                    let line = tolower(line)

                                let char_count = {}
                                let matches = []
                                let indices = a:forward ? range(c, len(line) - 1, 1) : range(c - 2, 0, -1)
                                for i in indices
                                    let ch = line[i]
                                    " only matches to ASCII
                                    if ch !~# '^[\x00-\x7F]$' | continue | endif
                                    let ch_lower = tolower(ch)

                                    let char_count[ch] = get(char_count, ch, 0) + 1
                                    if g:clever_f_smart_case && ch =~# '\u'
                                        " uppercase characters are doubly counted
                                        let char_count[ch_lower] = get(char_count, ch_lower, 0) + 1

                                    if char_count[ch] == a:count ||
                                        \ (g:clever_f_smart_case && char_count[ch_lower] == a:count)
                                        " NOTE: should not use `matchaddpos(group, [...position])`,
                                        " because the maximum number of position is 8
                                        let m = matchaddpos('CleverFDirect', [[l, i + 1]])
                                        call add(matches, m)
                                return matches

                            " introduce public function for test
    1              0.000003 function! clever_f#_mark_direct(forward, count) abort
                                return s:mark_direct(a:forward, a:count)

    1              0.000003 function! s:mark_char_in_current_line(map, char) abort
                                let regex = '\%' . line('.') . 'l' . s:generate_pattern(a:map, a:char)
                                call matchadd('CleverFChar', regex , 999)

                            " Note:
                            " \x80\xfd` seems to be sent by a terminal.
                            " Below is a workaround for the sequence.
    1              0.000002 function! s:getchar() abort
                                while 1
                                    let cn = getchar()
                                    if type(cn) != type('') || cn !=# "\x80\xfd`"
                                        return cn

    1              0.000003 function! s:include_multibyte_char(str) abort
                                return strlen(a:str) != clever_f#compat#strchars(a:str)

    1              0.000002 function! clever_f#find_with(map) abort
                                if a:map !~# '^[fFtT]$'
                                    throw "Error: Invalid mapping '" . a:map . "'"

                                if &foldopen =~# '\<\%(all\|hor\)\>'
                                    while foldclosed(line('.')) >= 0

                                let current_pos = getpos('.')[1 : 2]

                                let mode = s:mode()
                                if current_pos != get(s:previous_pos, mode, [0, 0])
                                    let back = 0
                                    if g:clever_f_mark_cursor
                                        let cursor_marker = matchadd('CleverFCursor', '\%#', 999)
                                    " block-NONE does not work on Neovim
                                    if g:clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline && !s:ON_NVIM
                                        let guicursor_save = &guicursor
                                        set guicursor=n-o:block-NONE
                                        let t_ve_save = &t_ve
                                        set t_ve=
                                        if g:clever_f_mark_direct
                                            let direct_markers = s:mark_direct(a:map =~# '\l', v:count1)
                                        if g:clever_f_show_prompt | echon 'clever-f: ' | endif
                                        let s:previous_map[mode] = a:map
                                        let s:first_move[mode] = 1
                                        let cn = s:getchar()
                                        if cn == char2nr("\")
                                            return "\"
                                        if index(map(deepcopy(g:clever_f_repeat_last_char_inputs), 'char2nr(v:val)'), cn) == -1
                                            let s:previous_char_num[mode] = cn
                                            if has_key(s:previous_char_num, s:last_mode)
                                                let s:previous_char_num[mode] = s:previous_char_num[s:last_mode]
                                                echohl ErrorMsg | echo 'Previous input not found.' | echohl None
                                                return ''
                                        let s:last_mode = mode

                                        if g:clever_f_timeout_ms > 0
                                            let s:timestamp = reltime()

                                        if g:clever_f_mark_char
                                            call s:remove_highlight()
                                            if mode ==# 'n' || mode ==? 'v' || mode ==# "\" ||
                                             \ mode ==# 'ce' || mode ==? 's' || mode ==# "\"
                                                augroup plugin-clever-f-finalizer
                                                    autocmd CursorMoved  call s:maybe_finalize()
                                                    autocmd InsertEnter  call s:finalize()
                                                augroup END
                                                call s:mark_char_in_current_line(s:previous_map[mode], s:previous_char_num[mode])

                                        if g:clever_f_show_prompt | redraw! | endif
                                        if g:clever_f_mark_cursor | call matchdelete(cursor_marker) | endif
                                        if g:clever_f_mark_direct
                                            for m in direct_markers
                                                call matchdelete(m)
                                        if g:clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline && !s:ON_NVIM
                                            " Set default value at first then restore (#49)
                                            " For example, when the value is a:blinkon0, it does not affect cursor shape so cursor
                                            " shape continues to disappear.
                                            set guicursor&

                                            if &guicursor !=# guicursor_save
                                                let &guicursor = guicursor_save
                                            let &t_ve = t_ve_save
                                    " when repeated
                                    let back = a:map =~# '\u'
                                    if g:clever_f_fix_key_direction
                                        let back = s:previous_map[mode] =~# '\u' ? !back : back

                                    " reset and retry if timed out
                                    if g:clever_f_timeout_ms > 0 && s:is_timedout()
                                        call clever_f#reset()
                                        return clever_f#find_with(a:map)

                                return clever_f#repeat(back)

    1              0.000002 function! clever_f#repeat(back) abort
                                let mode = s:mode()
                                let pmap = get(s:previous_map, mode, '')
                                let prev_char_num = get(s:previous_char_num, mode, 0)

                                if pmap ==# ''
                                    return ''

                                " ignore special characters like \
                                if type(prev_char_num) == type('') && char2nr(prev_char_num) == 128
                                    return ''

                                if a:back
                                    let pmap = s:swapcase(pmap)

                                if mode[0] ==? 'v' || mode[0] ==# "\"
                                    let cmd = s:move_cmd_for_visualmode(pmap, prev_char_num)
                                    let inclusive = mode ==# 'no' && pmap =~# '\l'
                                    let cmd = printf("%s:\call clever_f#find(%s, %s)\",
                                                \    inclusive ? 'v' : '',
                                                \    string(pmap), prev_char_num)

                                return cmd

                            " absolutely moved forward?
    1              0.000003 function! s:moves_forward(p, n) abort
                                if a:p[0] != a:n[0]
                                    return a:p[0] < a:n[0]

                                if a:p[1] != a:n[1]
                                    return a:p[1] < a:n[1]

                                return 0

    1              0.000003 function! clever_f#find(map, char_num) abort
                                let before_pos = getpos('.')[1 : 2]
                                let next_pos = s:next_pos(a:map, a:char_num, v:count1)
                                if next_pos == [0, 0]

                                let moves_forward = s:moves_forward(before_pos, next_pos)

                                " update highlight when cursor moves across lines
                                let mode = s:mode()
                                if g:clever_f_mark_char
                                    if next_pos[0] != before_pos[0]
                                        \ || (a:map ==? 't' && !s:first_move[mode] && clever_f#compat#xor(s:moved_forward, moves_forward))
                                        call s:remove_highlight()
                                        call s:mark_char_in_current_line(a:map, a:char_num)

                                let s:moved_forward = moves_forward
                                let s:previous_pos[mode] = next_pos
                                let s:first_move[mode] = 0

    1              0.000002 function! s:finalize() abort
                                autocmd! plugin-clever-f-finalizer
                                call s:remove_highlight()
                                let s:moved_forward = 0

    1              0.000002 function! s:maybe_finalize() abort
                                let pp = get(s:previous_pos, s:last_mode, [0, 0])
                                if getpos('.')[1 : 2] != pp
                                    call s:finalize()

    1              0.000003 function! s:move_cmd_for_visualmode(map, char_num) abort
                                let next_pos = s:next_pos(a:map, a:char_num, v:count1)
                                if next_pos == [0, 0]
                                    return ''

                                let m = s:mode()
                                call setpos("''", [0] + next_pos + [0])
                                let s:previous_pos[m] = next_pos
                                let s:first_move[m] = 0

                                return '``'

    1              0.000003 function! s:search(pat, flag) abort
                                if g:clever_f_across_no_line
                                    return search(a:pat, a:flag, line('.'))
                                    return search(a:pat, a:flag)

    1              0.000003 function! s:should_use_migemo(char) abort
                                if !g:clever_f_use_migemo || a:char !~# '^\a$'
                                    return 0

                                if !g:clever_f_across_no_line
                                    return 1

                                return s:include_multibyte_char(getline('.'))

    1              0.000002 function! s:load_migemo_dict() abort
                                let enc = &l:encoding
                                if enc ==# 'utf-8'
                                    return clever_f#migemo#utf8#load_dict()
                                elseif enc ==# 'cp932'
                                    return clever_f#migemo#cp932#load_dict()
                                elseif enc ==# 'euc-jp'
                                    return clever_f#migemo#eucjp#load_dict()
                                    let g:clever_f_use_migemo = 0
                                    throw 'Error: ' . enc . ' is not supported. Migemo is disabled.'

    1              0.000003 function! s:generate_pattern(map, char_num) abort
                                let char = type(a:char_num) == type(0) ? nr2char(a:char_num) : a:char_num
                                let regex = char

                                let should_use_migemo = s:should_use_migemo(char)
                                if should_use_migemo
                                    if !has_key(s:migemo_dicts, &l:encoding)
                                        let s:migemo_dicts[&l:encoding] = s:load_migemo_dict()
                                    let regex = s:migemo_dicts[&l:encoding][regex] . '\&\%(' . char . '\|\A\)'
                                elseif stridx(g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs, char) != -1
                                    let regex = '\[!"#$%&''()=~|\-^\\@`[\]{};:+*<>,.?_/]'
                                elseif char ==# '\'
                                    let regex = '\\'

                                let is_exclusive_visual = &selection ==# 'exclusive' && s:mode()[0] ==? 'v'
                                if a:map ==# 't' && !is_exclusive_visual
                                    let regex = '\_.\ze\%(' . regex . '\)'
                                elseif is_exclusive_visual && a:map ==# 'f'
                                    let regex = '\%(' . regex . '\)\zs\_.'
                                elseif a:map ==# 'T'
                                    let regex = '\%(' . regex . '\)\@<=\_.'

                                if !should_use_migemo
                                    let regex = '\V'.regex

                                return ((g:clever_f_smart_case && char =~# '\l') || g:clever_f_ignore_case ? '\c' : '\C') . regex

    1              0.000003 function! s:next_pos(map, char_num, count) abort
                                let mode = s:mode()
                                let search_flag = a:map =~# '\l' ? 'W' : 'bW'
                                let cnt = a:count
                                let pattern = s:generate_pattern(a:map, a:char_num)

                                if a:map ==? 't' && get(s:first_move, mode, 1)
                                    if !s:search(pattern, search_flag . 'c')
                                        return [0, 0]
                                    let cnt -= 1

                                while 0 < cnt
                                    if !s:search(pattern, search_flag)
                                        return [0, 0]
                                    let cnt -= 1

                                return getpos('.')[1 : 2]

    1              0.000002 function! s:swapcase(char) abort
                                return a:char =~# '\u' ? tolower(a:char) : toupper(a:char)

                            " Drop forced visual mode character ('nov' -> 'no')
    1              0.000002 function! s:mode() abort
                                let mode = mode(1)
                                if mode =~# '^no'
                                    let mode = mode[0 : 1]
                                return mode

    1              0.000008 let &cpo = s:save_cpo
    1              0.000004 unlet s:save_cpo

FUNCTION  24_move_cmd_for_visualmode()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:370
Called 26 times
Total time:   0.005676
 Self time:   0.000807

count  total (s)   self (s)
   26   0.004725   0.000159     let next_pos = s:next_pos(a:map, a:char_num, v:count1)
   26              0.000058     if next_pos == [0, 0]
                                    return ''
   26              0.000019     endif

   26   0.000388   0.000085     let m = s:mode()
   26              0.000224     call setpos("''", [0] + next_pos + [0])
   26              0.000086     let s:previous_pos[m] = next_pos
   26              0.000060     let s:first_move[m] = 0

   26              0.000029     return '``'

FUNCTION  24_include_multibyte_char()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:182
Called 20 times
Total time:   0.000230
 Self time:   0.000158

count  total (s)   self (s)
   20   0.000223   0.000151     return strlen(a:str) != clever_f#compat#strchars(a:str)

FUNCTION  clever_f#repeat()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:290
Called 259 times
Total time:   0.024171
 Self time:   0.014626

count  total (s)   self (s)
  259   0.004278   0.000856     let mode = s:mode()
  259              0.000989     let pmap = get(s:previous_map, mode, '')
  259              0.000994     let prev_char_num = get(s:previous_char_num, mode, 0)

  259              0.000388     if pmap ==# ''
                                    return ''
  259              0.000188     endif

                                " ignore special characters like \
  259              0.001182     if type(prev_char_num) == type('') && char2nr(prev_char_num) == 128
    3              0.000003         return ''
  256              0.000183     endif

  256              0.000315     if a:back
   52   0.000712   0.000265         let pmap = s:swapcase(pmap)
  256              0.000471     endif

  256              0.001256     if mode[0] ==? 'v' || mode[0] ==# "\"
   26   0.005814   0.000138         let cmd = s:move_cmd_for_visualmode(pmap, prev_char_num)
  230              0.000296     else
  230              0.000632         let inclusive = mode ==# 'no' && pmap =~# '\l'
  230              0.002361         let cmd = printf("%s:\call clever_f#find(%s, %s)\",    inclusive ? 'v' : '',    string(pmap), prev_char_num)
  256              0.000205     endif

  256              0.000353     return cmd

FUNCTION  24_should_use_migemo()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:392
Called 361 times
Total time:   0.002249
 Self time:   0.002019

count  total (s)   self (s)
  361              0.001053     if !g:clever_f_use_migemo || a:char !~# '^\a$'
  335              0.000439         return 0
   26              0.000021     endif

   26              0.000043     if !g:clever_f_across_no_line
    6              0.000007         return 1
   20              0.000014     endif

   20   0.000340   0.000110     return s:include_multibyte_char(getline('.'))

FUNCTION  24_mark_char_in_current_line()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:165
Called 105 times
Total time:   0.039145
 Self time:   0.005871

count  total (s)   self (s)
  105   0.034236   0.000963     let regex = '\%' . line('.') . 'l' . s:generate_pattern(a:map, a:char)
  105              0.004826     call matchadd('CleverFChar', regex , 999)

FUNCTION  clever_f#find_with()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:186
Called 270 times
Total time:   0.135118
 Self time:   0.066131

count  total (s)   self (s)
  270              0.002498     if a:map !~# '^[fFtT]$'
    1              0.004384         throw "Error: Invalid mapping '" . a:map . "'"
  269              0.000240     endif

  269              0.003383     if &foldopen =~# '\<\%(all\|hor\)\>'
  270              0.001478         while foldclosed(line('.')) >= 0
    1              0.000002             foldopen
  270              0.000403         endwhile
  269              0.000241     endif

  269              0.001605     let current_pos = getpos('.')[1 : 2]

  269   0.004568   0.000996     let mode = s:mode()
  269              0.001315     if current_pos != get(s:previous_pos, mode, [0, 0])
   95              0.000144         let back = 0
   95              0.000547         if g:clever_f_mark_cursor
   95              0.000799             let cursor_marker = matchadd('CleverFCursor', '\%#', 999)
   95              0.002919             redraw
   95              0.000087         endif
                                    " block-NONE does not work on Neovim
   95              0.000274         if g:clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline && !s:ON_NVIM
   95              0.000258             let guicursor_save = &guicursor
   95              0.001306             set guicursor=n-o:block-NONE
   95              0.000282             let t_ve_save = &t_ve
   95              0.000459             set t_ve=
   95              0.000084         endif
   95              0.000093         try
   95              0.000162             if g:clever_f_mark_direct
    3   0.001536   0.000038                 let direct_markers = s:mark_direct(a:map =~# '\l', v:count1)
    3              0.000017                 redraw
   95              0.000083             endif
   95              0.000417             if g:clever_f_show_prompt | echon 'clever-f: ' | endif
   95              0.000342             let s:previous_map[mode] = a:map
   95              0.000252             let s:first_move[mode] = 1
   95   0.001820   0.000455             let cn = s:getchar()
   95              0.000424             if cn == char2nr("\")
    4              0.000007                 return "\"
   91              0.000073             endif
   91              0.000874             if index(map(deepcopy(g:clever_f_repeat_last_char_inputs), 'char2nr(v:val)'), cn) == -1
   84              0.000303                 let s:previous_char_num[mode] = cn
    7              0.000007             else
    7              0.000024                 if has_key(s:previous_char_num, s:last_mode)
    3              0.000013                     let s:previous_char_num[mode] = s:previous_char_num[s:last_mode]
    4              0.000003                 else
    4              0.000031                     echohl ErrorMsg | echo 'Previous input not found.' | echohl None
    4              0.000006                     return ''
    3              0.000002                 endif
   87              0.000070             endif
   87              0.000187             let s:last_mode = mode

   87              0.000161             if g:clever_f_timeout_ms > 0
    3              0.000009                 let s:timestamp = reltime()
   87              0.000067             endif

   87              0.000126             if g:clever_f_mark_char
   87   0.001961   0.000433                 call s:remove_highlight()
   87              0.000327                 if mode ==# 'n' || mode ==? 'v' || mode ==# "\" || mode ==# 'ce' || mode ==? 's' || mode ==# "\"
   86              0.000213                     augroup plugin-clever-f-finalizer
   86              0.000598                         autocmd CursorMoved  call s:maybe_finalize()
   86              0.000515                         autocmd InsertEnter  call s:finalize()
   86              0.000127                     augroup END
   86   0.035676   0.000682                     call s:mark_char_in_current_line(s:previous_map[mode], s:previous_char_num[mode])
   87              0.000085                 endif
   87              0.000068             endif

   87              0.000347             if g:clever_f_show_prompt | redraw! | endif
   95              0.000130         finally
   95              0.000544             if g:clever_f_mark_cursor | call matchdelete(cursor_marker) | endif
   95              0.000142             if g:clever_f_mark_direct
   25              0.000027                 for m in direct_markers
   22              0.000045                     call matchdelete(m)
   25              0.000021                 endfor
   95              0.000077             endif
   95              0.000232             if g:clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline && !s:ON_NVIM
                                            " Set default value at first then restore (#49)
                                            " For example, when the value is a:blinkon0, it does not affect cursor shape so cursor
                                            " shape continues to disappear.
   95              0.001610                 set guicursor&

   95              0.000343                 if &guicursor !=# guicursor_save
                                                let &guicursor = guicursor_save
   95              0.000077                 endif
   95              0.000478                 let &t_ve = t_ve_save
   95              0.000075             endif
   95              0.000102         endtry
  174              0.000154     else
                                    " when repeated
  174              0.001373         let back = a:map =~# '\u'
  174              0.000442         if g:clever_f_fix_key_direction
   15              0.000093             let back = s:previous_map[mode] =~# '\u' ? !back : back
  174              0.000239         endif

                                    " reset and retry if timed out
  174   0.000738   0.000625         if g:clever_f_timeout_ms > 0 && s:is_timedout()
    2   0.000103   0.000008             call clever_f#reset()
    2              0.000007             return clever_f#find_with(a:map)
  172              0.000197         endif
  259              0.000261     endif

  259   0.025223   0.001052     return clever_f#repeat(back)

FUNCTION  clever_f#_mark_direct()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:161
Called 10 times
Total time:   0.007595
 Self time:   0.000078

count  total (s)   self (s)
   10   0.007590   0.000073     return s:mark_direct(a:forward, a:count)

FUNCTION  24_swapcase()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:473
Called 52 times
Total time:   0.000447
 Self time:   0.000447

count  total (s)   self (s)
   52              0.000427     return a:char =~# '\u' ? tolower(a:char) : toupper(a:char)

FUNCTION  24_search()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:384
Called 256 times
Total time:   0.057383
 Self time:   0.057383

count  total (s)   self (s)
  256              0.000488     if g:clever_f_across_no_line
   25              0.030142         return search(a:pat, a:flag, line('.'))
  231              0.000209     else
  231              0.025555         return search(a:pat, a:flag)

FUNCTION  24_load_migemo_dict()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:404
Called 3 times
Total time:   0.024653
 Self time:   0.000577

count  total (s)   self (s)
    3              0.000005     let enc = &l:encoding
    3              0.000005     if enc ==# 'utf-8'
    3   0.024638   0.000563         return clever_f#migemo#utf8#load_dict()
                                elseif enc ==# 'cp932'
                                    return clever_f#migemo#cp932#load_dict()
                                elseif enc ==# 'euc-jp'
                                    return clever_f#migemo#eucjp#load_dict()
                                    let g:clever_f_use_migemo = 0
                                    throw 'Error: ' . enc . ' is not supported. Migemo is disabled.'

FUNCTION  24_finalize()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:357
Called 2 times
Total time:   0.000069
 Self time:   0.000028

count  total (s)   self (s)
    2              0.000015     autocmd! plugin-clever-f-finalizer
    2   0.000049   0.000008     call s:remove_highlight()
    2              0.000004     let s:moved_forward = 0

FUNCTION  24_mark_direct()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:121
Called 13 times
Total time:   0.009015
 Self time:   0.009015

count  total (s)   self (s)
   13              0.000044     let line = getline('.')
   13              0.000057     let [_, l, c, _] = getpos('.')

   13              0.000111     if (a:forward && c == len(line)) || (!a:forward && c == 1)
                                    " there is no matching characters
    1              0.000001         return []
   12              0.000011     endif

   12              0.000020     if g:clever_f_ignore_case
    3              0.000010         let line = tolower(line)
   12              0.000009     endif

   12              0.000024     let char_count = {}
   12              0.000021     let matches = []
   12              0.000094     let indices = a:forward ? range(c, len(line) - 1, 1) : range(c - 2, 0, -1)
  235              0.000251     for i in indices
  223              0.000467         let ch = line[i]
                                    " only matches to ASCII
  434              0.001533         if ch !~# '^[\x00-\x7F]$' | continue | endif
  197              0.000507         let ch_lower = tolower(ch)

  197              0.000757         let char_count[ch] = get(char_count, ch, 0) + 1
  197              0.000538         if g:clever_f_smart_case && ch =~# '\u'
                                        " uppercase characters are doubly counted
    9              0.000038             let char_count[ch_lower] = get(char_count, ch_lower, 0) + 1
  197              0.000276         endif

  197              0.000776         if char_count[ch] == a:count || (g:clever_f_smart_case && char_count[ch_lower] == a:count)
                                        " NOTE: should not use `matchaddpos(group, [...position])`,
                                        " because the maximum number of position is 8
  105              0.000739             let m = matchaddpos('CleverFDirect', [[l, i + 1]])
  105              0.000252             call add(matches, m)
  197              0.000150         endif
  209              0.000189     endfor
   12              0.000019     return matches

FUNCTION  24_is_timedout()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:112
Called 4 times
Total time:   0.000113
 Self time:   0.000113

count  total (s)   self (s)
    4              0.000013     let cur = reltime()
    4              0.000041     let rel = reltimestr(reltime(s:timestamp, cur))
    4              0.000035     let elapsed_ms = float2nr(str2float(rel) * 1000.0)
    4              0.000009     let s:timestamp = cur
    4              0.000010     return elapsed_ms > g:clever_f_timeout_ms

FUNCTION  clever_f#find()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:333
Called 230 times
Total time:   0.115304
 Self time:   0.013948

count  total (s)   self (s)
  230              0.001587     let before_pos = getpos('.')[1 : 2]
  230   0.092780   0.001894     let next_pos = s:next_pos(a:map, a:char_num, v:count1)
  230              0.000530     if next_pos == [0, 0]
   14              0.000013         return
  216              0.000180     endif

  216   0.003954   0.001175     let moves_forward = s:moves_forward(before_pos, next_pos)

                                " update highlight when cursor moves across lines
  216   0.003558   0.000735     let mode = s:mode()
  216              0.000380     if g:clever_f_mark_char
  216   0.002368   0.002101         if next_pos[0] != before_pos[0] || (a:map ==? 't' && !s:first_move[mode] && clever_f#compat#xor(s:moved_forward, moves_forward))
   19   0.000696   0.000246             call s:remove_highlight()
   19   0.004258   0.000108             call s:mark_char_in_current_line(a:map, a:char_num)
  216              0.000187         endif
  216              0.000167     endif

  216              0.000696     let s:moved_forward = moves_forward
  216              0.000711     let s:previous_pos[mode] = next_pos
  216              0.000512     let s:first_move[mode] = 0

FUNCTION  24_getchar()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:173
Called 95 times
Total time:   0.001365
 Self time:   0.001365

count  total (s)   self (s)
   95              0.000135     while 1
   95              0.000483         let cn = getchar()
   95              0.000463         if type(cn) != type('') || cn !=# "\x80\xfd`"
   95              0.000134             return cn

FUNCTION  clever_f#_reset_all()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:96
Called 1 time
Total time:   0.000058
 Self time:   0.000023

count  total (s)   self (s)
    1   0.000038   0.000003     call clever_f#reset()
    1              0.000002     let s:last_mode = ''
    1              0.000003     let s:previous_char_num = {}
    1              0.000010     autocmd! plugin-clever-f-finalizer
    1              0.000002     unlet! s:moved_forward

    1              0.000001     return ''

FUNCTION  24_next_pos()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:450
Called 256 times
Total time:   0.095452
 Self time:   0.015284

count  total (s)   self (s)
  256   0.004091   0.000836     let mode = s:mode()
  256              0.001785     let search_flag = a:map =~# '\l' ? 'W' : 'bW'
  256              0.000484     let cnt = a:count
  256   0.020963   0.001433     let pattern = s:generate_pattern(a:map, a:char_num)

  256              0.000881     if a:map ==? 't' && get(s:first_move, mode, 1)
   27   0.005556   0.000137         if !s:search(pattern, search_flag . 'c')
                                        return [0, 0]
   27              0.000023         endif
   27              0.000059         let cnt -= 1
  256              0.000214     endif

  471              0.001011     while 0 < cnt
  229   0.053299   0.001336         if !s:search(pattern, search_flag)
   14              0.000024             return [0, 0]
  215              0.000197         endif
  215              0.000478         let cnt -= 1
  457              0.000628     endwhile

  242              0.001059     return getpos('.')[1 : 2]

FUNCTION  24_mode()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:478
Called 1044 times
Total time:   0.013565
 Self time:   0.013565

count  total (s)   self (s)
 1044              0.002773     let mode = mode(1)
 1044              0.005787     if mode =~# '^no'
    4              0.000012         let mode = mode[0 : 1]
 1044              0.000813     endif
 1044              0.001464     return mode

FUNCTION  24_moves_forward()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:321
Called 216 times
Total time:   0.002779
 Self time:   0.002779

count  total (s)   self (s)
  216              0.000902     if a:p[0] != a:n[0]
    9              0.000023         return a:p[0] < a:n[0]
  207              0.000208     endif

  207              0.000494     if a:p[1] != a:n[1]
  201              0.000482         return a:p[1] < a:n[1]
    6              0.000004     endif

    6              0.000006     return 0

FUNCTION  24_generate_pattern()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:418
Called 361 times
Total time:   0.052804
 Self time:   0.025713

count  total (s)   self (s)
  361              0.002377     let char = type(a:char_num) == type(0) ? nr2char(a:char_num) : a:char_num
  361              0.000608     let regex = char

  361   0.004143   0.001894     let should_use_migemo = s:should_use_migemo(char)
  361              0.000526     if should_use_migemo
   26              0.000102         if !has_key(s:migemo_dicts, &l:encoding)
    3   0.024683   0.000031             let s:migemo_dicts[&l:encoding] = s:load_migemo_dict()
   26              0.000028         endif
   26              0.000723         let regex = s:migemo_dicts[&l:encoding][regex] . '\&\%(' . char . '\|\A\)'
  335              0.001419     elseif stridx(g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs, char) != -1
   68              0.000155         let regex = '\[!"#$%&''()=~|\-^\\@`[\]{};:+*<>,.?_/]'
  267              0.000418     elseif char ==# '\'
    8              0.000014         let regex = '\\'
  361              0.000279     endif

  361   0.002164   0.001975     let is_exclusive_visual = &selection ==# 'exclusive' && s:mode()[0] ==? 'v'
  361              0.000796     if a:map ==# 't' && !is_exclusive_visual
   55              0.000216         let regex = '\_.\ze\%(' . regex . '\)'
  306              0.000587     elseif is_exclusive_visual && a:map ==# 'f'
    3              0.000008         let regex = '\%(' . regex . '\)\zs\_.'
  303              0.000512     elseif a:map ==# 'T'
   42              0.000214         let regex = '\%(' . regex . '\)\@<=\_.'
  361              0.000272     endif

  361              0.000525     if !should_use_migemo
  335              0.000741         let regex = '\V'.regex
  361              0.000283     endif

  361              0.002199     return ((g:clever_f_smart_case && char =~# '\l') || g:clever_f_ignore_case ? '\c' : '\C') . regex

FUNCTION  clever_f#reset()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:80
Called 63 times
Total time:   0.002493
 Self time:   0.001877

count  total (s)   self (s)
   63              0.000211     let s:previous_map = {}
   63              0.000212     let s:previous_pos = {}
   63              0.000169     let s:first_move = {}
   63              0.000495     let s:migemo_dicts = {}

                                " Note:
                                " [0, 0] may be invalid because the representation of return value of reltime() depends on implementation.
   63              0.000164     let s:timestamp = [0, 0]

   63   0.000869   0.000253     call s:remove_highlight()

   63              0.000087     return ''

FUNCTION  24_remove_highlight()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:106
Called 407 times
Total time:   0.005702
 Self time:   0.005702

count  total (s)   self (s)
  512              0.003361     for h in filter(getmatches(), ' ==# "CleverFChar"')
  105              0.000427         call matchdelete(
  512              0.000555     endfor

FUNCTION  24_maybe_finalize()
    Defined: D:\a\clever-f.vim\clever-f.vim\autoload\clever_f.vim:363
Called 1 time
Total time:   0.000051
 Self time:   0.000015

count  total (s)   self (s)
    1              0.000005     let pp = get(s:previous_pos, s:last_mode, [0, 0])
    1              0.000005     if getpos('.')[1 : 2] != pp
    1   0.000040   0.000003         call s:finalize()
    1              0.000001     endif

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
  270   0.135118   0.066131  clever_f#find_with()
  230   0.115304   0.013948  clever_f#find()
  256   0.095452   0.015284  24_next_pos()
  256   0.057383             24_search()
  361   0.052804   0.025713  24_generate_pattern()
  105   0.039145   0.005871  24_mark_char_in_current_line()
    3   0.024653   0.000577  24_load_migemo_dict()
  259   0.024171   0.014626  clever_f#repeat()
 1044   0.013565             24_mode()
   13   0.009015             24_mark_direct()
   10   0.007595   0.000078  clever_f#_mark_direct()
  407   0.005702             24_remove_highlight()
   26   0.005676   0.000807  24_move_cmd_for_visualmode()
  216   0.002779             24_moves_forward()
   63   0.002493   0.001877  clever_f#reset()
  361   0.002249   0.002019  24_should_use_migemo()
   95   0.001365             24_getchar()
   52   0.000447             24_swapcase()
   20   0.000230   0.000158  24_include_multibyte_char()
    4   0.000113             24_is_timedout()

count  total (s)   self (s)  function
  270   0.135118   0.066131  clever_f#find_with()
  256              0.057383  24_search()
  361   0.052804   0.025713  24_generate_pattern()
  256   0.095452   0.015284  24_next_pos()
  259   0.024171   0.014626  clever_f#repeat()
  230   0.115304   0.013948  clever_f#find()
 1044              0.013565  24_mode()
   13              0.009015  24_mark_direct()
  105   0.039145   0.005871  24_mark_char_in_current_line()
  407              0.005702  24_remove_highlight()
  216              0.002779  24_moves_forward()
  361   0.002249   0.002019  24_should_use_migemo()
   63   0.002493   0.001877  clever_f#reset()
   95              0.001365  24_getchar()
   26   0.005676   0.000807  24_move_cmd_for_visualmode()
    3   0.024653   0.000577  24_load_migemo_dict()
   52              0.000447  24_swapcase()
   20   0.000230   0.000158  24_include_multibyte_char()
    4              0.000113  24_is_timedout()
   10   0.007595   0.000078  clever_f#_mark_direct()
blueyed commented 4 years ago

Thanks already. More debug logging would be good.

Can you try type .coverage_covimerage after the command, which should display the output file, if any?

blueyed commented 4 years ago

I could retrieve profile output as follows:

covimerage write_coverage profile.txt works with that locally for me (on Linux), exiting with 0.

blueyed commented 4 years ago

I don't know why this line was not output:

This only happens with "covimerage run", but you are using "covimerage write_coverage", aren't you?

rhysd commented 4 years ago

Can you try type .coverage_covimerage after the command, which should display the output file, if any?

Sure. Let me try.

covimerage write_coverage profile.txt works with that locally for me (on Linux), exiting with 0.

Yeah, actually covimerage works fine on macOS and Linux on GitHub Actions workflow

This only happens with "covimerage run", but you are using "covimerage write_coverage", aren't you?

I apologize that it was wrong line. Please forget.

rhysd commented 4 years ago

After adding $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' (it means 'ignore errors' on Windows), I confirmed that the coverage report was correctly generated. type .covimerage_coverage said as follows:

! This is a private format, don't read it directly!{"lines":{"D:\\a\\clever-f.vim\\clever-f.vim\\plugin\\clever-f.vim":[1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,28],"D:\\a\\clever-f.vim\\clever-f.vim\\autoload\\clever_f.vim":[1,2,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,23,26,27,28,29,30,38,39,41,42,43,44,45,46,48,49,50,51,52,58,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,80,81,82,83,84,88,90,92,96,97,98,99,100,101,103,106,107,108,109,112,113,114,115,116,117,121,122,123,125,127,128,130,131,132,134,135,136,137,138,140,141,143,144,146,147,149,150,153,154,155,156,157,161,162,165,166,167,173,174,175,176,177,182,183,186,187,188,189,191,192,193,194,195,197,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,237,238,239,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,265,267,269,270,271,272,273,275,276,277,278,281,282,283,284,285,287,290,291,292,293,295,297,300,301,302,304,305,306,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,317,321,322,323,324,326,327,328,330,333,334,335,336,337,338,340,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,352,353,354,357,358,359,360,363,364,365,366,367,370,371,372,374,376,377,378,379,381,384,385,386,387,388,392,393,394,395,397,398,399,401,404,405,406,407,418,419,420,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,443,444,445,447,450,451,452,453,454,456,457,459,460,461,463,464,465,466,467,468,470,473,474,478,479,480,481,482,483,486,487]},"file_tracers":{"D:\\a\\clever-f.vim\\clever-f.vim\\plugin\\clever-f.vim":"covimerage.CoveragePlugin","D:\\a\\clever-f.vim\\clever-f.vim\\autoload\\clever_f.vim":"covimerage.CoveragePlugin"}}

It looked that covimerage could generate file correctly but did not exit successfully.

blueyed commented 4 years ago

I am still not sure/convinced that it is covimerage exiting non-zero here. Was the type not called without $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'?

rhysd commented 4 years ago

I thought the point too. So I also added echo commands as follows:

- name: Report coverage
  if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
  run: |
    pip install covimerage
    covimerage --version
    cd ./test
    echo 'start covimerage'
    covimerage --loglevel debug --verbose write_coverage profile.txt
    echo 'done covimerage'
    type .coverage_covimerage
    echo 'coverage report'
    coverage report
    echo 'coverage xml'
    coverage xml
    echo 'done all'

And I confirmed start covimerage was output but done covimerage was not output.

blueyed commented 4 years ago

Thanks for confirmation. Might be an issue with the interaction of click then. Maybe there is an error even, but just does not get displayed for some reason.

Since covimerage --version works it's at least not something generic.

Maybe try strace -f covimerage … to get more insight (assuming that strace is available in the Windows env). In general though we have to investigate where it is failing, and why there is no error - more debug logging might be useful in that regard.

rhysd commented 4 years ago

I think strace is not available on Windows. there would be an alternative, but I don't know any such a command line tool though I know some GUI tool.

I'm not so familiar with python. Is trace module available to trace which line was executed? We might be able to find out which line is failing.

blueyed commented 4 years ago

Good idea. Try python -m trace -t --module covimerage write_coverage ….

But otherwise I would hope for this issue showing up with its tests, so it might be good to setup GitHub Actions fist anyway / in parallel.

rhysd commented 4 years ago

I agree. Let me try it on tomorrow night or day after tomorrow since I need to make a deck for tomorrow's meetup..