Vimjas / vim-testbed

Docker image for testing Vim plugins
42 stars 6 forks source link

neovim:master is failed. #53

Closed wsdjeg closed 6 years ago

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

My dockerfile

sudo docker run -it --rm spacevim/vims neovim --version
Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /vim-build/bin/neovim)
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_checkstack: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_gettop: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: luaL_where: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_settop: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_toboolean: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_touserdata: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_pushcclosure: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_pcall: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_next: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_tolstring: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_createtable: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_rawset: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_rawgeti: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: luaL_openlibs: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_call: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_setfield: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: luaL_checklstring: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_pushvalue: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: luaL_newstate: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_rawseti: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_tonumber: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_pushnumber: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_pushboolean: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_pushlightuserdata: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_pushlstring: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_rawequal: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_error: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_pushnil: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: luaL_loadstring: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_concat: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: luaL_loadbuffer: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_type: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_pushstring: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: luaL_loadfile: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_getfield: symbol not found
Error relocating /vim-build/bin/neovim: lua_isstring: symbol not found
blueyed commented 6 years ago

Hmm, works for me. Please try again, and let me know if it is still a problem.

% docker run -ti --rm vim-testbed-example:latest neovim --headless -u NORC -c 'lua print(1)' -cq

blueyed commented 6 years ago

Oh, try tag 7 - latest is not up-to-date - will push it later, but you should pin it likely anway.

blueyed commented 6 years ago

Assuming this fixes it.

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

@blueyed Thanks for you info, I am new to docker, I just try to use docker in spacevim's test, but I get too many errors. Would you like to have a look at

in This pr, I create a dockerfile in repo instead of the main repo of SpaceVim.

as the travis is too slow in china, so I want to push vint and vimlint result to PR's comments.

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago


the builds still failed, even if I am using tag 8.

blueyed commented 6 years ago

@wsdjeg Works for me: docker run -ti spacevim/vims /vim-build/bin/neovim (using image 072df335e16c).

blueyed commented 6 years ago

Fixed inbetween?

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

@blueyed can you have a try with docker run -it --rm spacevim/vims neovim --version?

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

ohh, sorry, the build has been fixed.