VinAIResearch / ISBNet

ISBNet: a 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation Network with Instance-aware Sampling and Box-aware Dynamic Convolution (CVPR 2023)
Apache License 2.0
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Some problems on visualize stpls3d? #14

Closed buggogogo closed 1 year ago

buggogogo commented 1 year ago

Hello Author! Your research is excellent and I benefit a lot from it. I trained my dataset,and the result is excellent! My dataset is a corn plant point cloud and is not as large as stpls3d. After model training, the plant is cut into parts. I want to know how to visualize multiple trained files at the same time so that I can see how the whole corn plant is segmented at the same time. I would also like to know if there is a way to save the displayed split file as a colored point cloud file with annotations for easy viewing? I look forward to your response and thank you very much for your work.

ngoductuanlhp commented 1 year ago

You can load multiple files at the same time and add them to the visualizer, i.e.:

import pyviz3d.visualizer as viz
v = viz.Visualizer()

# xyz1, rgb1: 1st point cloud
# xyz2. rgb2: 2nd point cloud

v.add_points('pc1', xyz1, rgb1, point_size=15) 
v.add_points('pc2', xyz2, rgb2, point_size=15) 

Make sure that xyz1 and xyz2 are in the global coordinate. You can also concatenate[xyz1, xyz2] and [rgb1, rgb2] to create a single point cloud containing all these points and save it as a numpy file.

buggogogo commented 1 year ago

Thank you ! I will try it!