Vinai / groupscatalog2

Magento extension to enable you to hide categories and products from customers depending on their customer group. This is a Magento 1.6 and newer compatible version of the Netzarbeiter Customer Groups Catalog extension.
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Redirection not working correctly in multiple storeviews #115

Open TaralPatoliya opened 9 years ago

TaralPatoliya commented 9 years ago

Hi Vinai,

This Extension does exactly what i needed but

I have following categories skincare bath&body salon I am trying to hide all the categories except the salon from the wholesale customer and show only salon when the wholesale customer logs in,

All the other groups will have access the categories other then salon.

This is a multiple website - multiple store magento installation.

I have two websites setup: 1) Austrailia (website) -> AUS(Store) (Default)

2) New zealand (Website) ->NZ(Store)

The base url is http://localhost/BeautyHQ

And the configuration are as below report

And in the category page i am using the salon

For all the other categories that i need to show all the other customers then the wholesale are skin

The dump of SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE 'netzarbeiter_groupscatalog2/%' as you needed in other issues is


Thanks :)

Vinai commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the excellent issue report! Can you also let me know the Magento version you are using? I'm assuming you are using the latest version of the extension. Also, can you describe what is not working as expected?

TaralPatoliya commented 9 years ago

Hi Vinai, I am using magento

The problem i am facing is in multiple stores. I have configured the extension as shown in the images above, it is working on the single website and store, but when , i tried to access in the other store, it redirects me to the parent directory or 404 page (According to the system config guest and customer redirection settings) but it is supposed to be redirected to the category page.

Can you tell me how can i configure the extension so that,

When a user is not logged in or not a wholesale customer, then he/she should see all the categories except the "SALON" category and if, he/she loges in and is a wholesale customer, then he must see the "SALON" category only, all the other categories and their products must be invisible to him/her.

You will get an idea by seeing this image explaining the store structure, stores

Thanks :)

TaralPatoliya commented 9 years ago

Hello Vinai, The information privided above is enough or should i give more information?

Vinai commented 9 years ago

I think it is enough information, now I just need to find the time so I can have a look at reproducing the issue. Once I'm able to reproduce it, I'll be able to fix it.

TaralPatoliya commented 9 years ago

Thanks :)