Vinai / groupscatalog2

Magento extension to enable you to hide categories and products from customers depending on their customer group. This is a Magento 1.6 and newer compatible version of the Netzarbeiter Customer Groups Catalog extension.
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ERR (3): Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Netzarbeiter_GroupsCatalog2_Model_Resource_Filter #66

Closed Daruhshie closed 11 years ago

Daruhshie commented 11 years ago

These errors repeatedly keep showing up in my system.log and I have no clue where to look, I am hoping someone here can help me along. The full error thrown is:

ERR (3): Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Netzarbeiter_GroupsCatalog2_Model_Resource_Filter::addGroupsCatalogFilterToCollection() must be an instance of Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract, instance of Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Category_Flat_Collection given, called in ../app/code/community/Netzarbeiter/GroupsCatalog2/Model/Observer.php on line 426 and defined in ../app/code/community/Netzarbeiter/GroupsCatalog2/Model/Resource/Filter.php on line 59

Magento version , Multi Website, Multi Store Groupscatalog2 v 0.1.6 (beta)

also installed: Netzarbeiter_CustomerActivation 0.3.9 (stable)

Except for the error its a fabulous module and working great, Thank you for any effort and best regards,


Vinai commented 11 years ago

That error has been fixed ages ago, please upgrade GroupsCatalog2 to fix it.

Daruhshie commented 11 years ago

Sorry for my late reply and thank you for the feedback, I have tried to upgrade GroupsCatalog2 via magento connect, no upgrades show when I have magento downloader check stable, beta or alfa and when I use the key from magento connect itself it gives me the same version I have already installed - GroupsCatalog2 v 0.1.6 (beta).

Anyway to get around this and manually overwrite the essential files without breaking my magento installation or overwriting current settings.

Is an upgrade from 0.1.6. straight to the most recent version no problem or do I need to upgrade version by version?

Best regards,


Vinai commented 11 years ago

I suggest upgrading from this github repository, you can always download the latest release as a ZIP file

You can upgrade straight to the latest version. As always, please backup just to be on the safe side before upgrading anything.

Vinai commented 11 years ago

The latest version on Magento Connect is 0.2.9, see the release notes tab on

Daruhshie commented 11 years ago

Hello Vinai, Thank you for your assistance, I have downloaded the zip file and upgraded manually by overwriting the system files. This fabulous module now seems to run smooth again.