Vince-Cercury / Scem

Scem (socio events manager) is an app for managing events. It's auto-managed by organizations. Social network aspect dominant. Example here: . If anybody interested by this app, contact us.
3 stars 2 forks source link

[Vince] [Bug] [Bloquant] Orga Show and Orga Create and Event Create #185

Closed Nojah closed 14 years ago

Nojah commented 14 years ago

Cannot view an organism NoMethodError in Organisms#show

Showing app/views/organisms/_sub_header.html.erb where line #57 raised:

undefined method `prep_to_members_organism_mailings_path' for #ActionView::Base:0xb54b345c

Extracted source (around line #57):

54: <% if is_organism_admin?(@organism) %> 55:

  • 56: <% if controller_name != 'mailings' %> 57: <%= link_to(t('organisms.sub_header.Mailing'), prep_to_members_organism_mailings_path(@organism)) %> 58: <% else %> 59: <%= link_to(t('organisms.sub_header.Mailing'), prep_to_members_organism_mailings_path(@organism), :class => 'selected') %> 60: <% end %>

    Event new and orga new there is always an error and i can't see the step 2

    1 error prohibited this event from being saved

    There were problems with the following fields:

    * Terms translation missing: fr-FR, activerecord, errors, models, event, attributes, terms, invalid
  • Vince-Cercury commented 14 years ago

    Fix undefined method prep_to_members_organism_mailings_path. Closed by a7f0c52fde6ffb47d4c17f0acdd6228e1990fae0