VinceShieh / spark-ffm

FFM (Field-Awared Factorization Machine) on Spark
Apache License 2.0
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average loss bug #19

Open matrix-2022 opened 5 years ago

matrix-2022 commented 5 years ago

val (wSum, lSum, miniBatchSize) = data.treeAggregate((BDV(bcWeights.value.toArray), 0.0, 0L))( seqOp = (c, v) => { val r = gradient.asInstanceOf[FFMGradient].computeFFM(v._1, (v._2), Vectors.fromBreeze(c._1), 1.0, eta, regParam, true, i, solver) (r._1, r._2 + c._2, c._3 + 1) }, combOp = (c1, c2) => { (c1._1 + c2._1, c1._2 + c2._2, c1._3 + c2._3) }) // TODO: add depth level bcWeights.destroy(blocking = false)

  if (miniBatchSize > 0) {
    stochasticLossHistory += lSum / miniBatchSize
    weights = Vectors.dense( / miniBatchSize))
    println("iter:" + (i + 1) + ",tr_loss:" + lSum / miniBatchSize)
  } else {
    println(s"Iteration ($i/$numIterations). The size of sampled batch is zero")

when average loss weights = Vectors.dense( / miniBatchSize)) is not correct, because in seqOp weights are already added up, then operation "weights = Vectors.dense( / miniBatchSize))" will lead to all weights very small.

The right way is "weights = Vectors.dense( / data.getNumPartitions))"

VinceShieh commented 5 years ago

thanks for your comment. In SeqOp, weight wasn't summed, it's a returned value from each atomic computation. I don't think we should divide the total weights by the number of data partition. pls refer to


matrix-2022 commented 5 years ago

as you say, "In SeqOp, weight wasn't summed, it's a returned value from each atomic computation." for example, if miniBatchSize is 1000, partition num is 10, then each SeqOp deals 100 samples, and renturn weights(not summed), and then combOp sum weights from 10 partitions, so wSum should divide 10.

I run this model on the data you give, and after trainning, final weights are very small(as divide by sample count, not partition count)

matrix-2022 commented 5 years ago

your implement is not the same as


where "cumGradient the computed gradient will be added to this vector"

in your code, def computeFFM(label: Double, data: Array[(Int, Int, Double)], weights: Vector, r: Double = 1.0, eta: Double, regParam: (Double, Double), do_update: Boolean, iter: Int, solver: Boolean = true): (BDV[Double], Double) only return computed weights, not summed gradient or weights