VincentGarreau / particles.js

A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles
MIT License
29.14k stars 4.84k forks source link

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : #67

Closed xjdata closed 9 years ago

xjdata commented 9 years ago

hi thank you package.

it's bug? when i use


chrome console show Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

file particles.json content

  "particles": {
    "number": {
      "value": 80,
      "density": {
        "enable": true,
        "value_area": 800
    "color": {
      "value": "#ffffff"
    "shape": {
      "type": "circle",
      "stroke": {
        "width": 0,
        "color": "#000000"
      "polygon": {
        "nb_sides": 5
      "image": {
        "src": "img/github.svg",
        "width": 100,
        "height": 100
    "opacity": {
      "value": 0.5,
      "random": false,
      "anim": {
        "enable": false,
        "speed": 1,
        "opacity_min": 0.1,
        "sync": false
    "size": {
      "value": 5,
      "random": true,
      "anim": {
        "enable": false,
        "speed": 40,
        "size_min": 0.1,
        "sync": false
    "line_linked": {
      "enable": true,
      "distance": 150,
      "color": "#ffffff",
      "opacity": 0.4,
      "width": 1
    "move": {
      "enable": true,
      "speed": 6,
      "direction": "none",
      "random": false,
      "straight": false,
      "out_mode": "out",
      "attract": {
        "enable": false,
        "rotateX": 600,
        "rotateY": 1200
  "interactivity": {
    "detect_on": "canvas",
    "events": {
      "onhover": {
        "enable": true,
        "mode": "repulse"
      "onclick": {
        "enable": true,
        "mode": "push"
      "resize": true
    "modes": {
      "grab": {
        "distance": 400,
        "line_linked": {
          "opacity": 1
      "bubble": {
        "distance": 400,
        "size": 40,
        "duration": 2,
        "opacity": 8,
        "speed": 3
      "repulse": {
        "distance": 200
      "push": {
        "particles_nb": 4
      "remove": {
        "particles_nb": 2
  "retina_detect": true,
  "config_demo": {
    "hide_card": false,
    "background_color": "#b61924",
    "background_image": "",
    "background_position": "50% 50%",
    "background_repeat": "no-repeat",
    "background_size": "cover"
VincentGarreau commented 9 years ago

Hi, thanks @xjdata! I tested your config, i have no problem. Maybe the particles.json file encoding? Demo: Config file: Download the demo:

xjdata commented 9 years ago

thank~ @VincentGarreau

joeshock commented 7 years ago

I had this same issue and it was because in my JSON file I had some values as ".2" or ".3" and they require the leading 0 — "0.2" or "0.3" for example.

Thanks for the great plugin!