VincyaneBadouard / TreeData_broken

Harmonization and correction forest data tool.
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rdsPermanentPlots #3

Closed gabrielareto closed 2 years ago

gabrielareto commented 2 years ago The first release is expected to happen on 28-December-2021.

Marius Bottin is working with colleagues in Colombia on something similar. Worth checking that repository.

message from Roy, for the record: estamos trabajando en algo "similar" pero bajo el concepto de servicio de datos relacionales (.rds) –una estructura similar a la que manejan las diferentes iniciativas globlales– pero con lógica de código abierto. Estamos desarrollando un "R package" en Github, liderado por Marius, donde el código tenga la capacidad de consumir cualquier formato y estructura de entrada (dentro de nuestro universo muestreal), organizarlos en la .rds y migrarlos (hacerlos interoperables) a cualquier estructura, todo a partir de funciones independientes. Chévere charlarlo para ver donde convergemos.

gabrielareto commented 2 years ago

I had a meeting with the Humboldt Institute, including Marius, for informative purposes. The Humboldt is an important partner in Colombia. They plan to release a first version of their package on December. They focus on input formats used by Colombian researchers. We agreed on a meeting to understand their package better in early 2022, just in case there is something useful coming out of that.

ValentineHerr commented 2 years ago

@gabrielareto any follow up with this?