VincyaneBadouard / TreeData_broken

Harmonization and correction forest data tool.
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minimise dependencies #55

Open ValentineHerr opened 1 year ago

ValentineHerr commented 1 year ago

@cpiponiot (and @VincyaneBadouard )

The installation of the package is too daunting because of all the dependencies and how high the required version are. I'd like to simplify that by :

First step here is to identify the packages that are used in the package, the function they need and the frequency those functions are used (this is excluding c("base", "utils", "TreeData", "stats", "shiny", "shinydashboard", "tools", "shinyjs", "shinyWidgets")):

pkgs funs Freq
XML xmlAttrs 3
XML xmlChildren 3
XML xmlGetAttr 2
XML xmlName 3
XML xmlParse 3
XML xmlValue 3
xml read_html 1
WorldFlora WFO.match 1
usethis use_data 11
units install_unit 2
units remove_unit 2
testthat expect_equal 3
testthat expect_error 14
testthat expect_false 2
testthat expect_message 1
testthat expect_true 14
testthat expect_warning 4
testthat test_check 1
testthat test_that 18
Taxonstand TPL 1
stringr str_count 1
stringr str_replace_all 1
stringr str_wrap 1
stringdist stringdistmatrix 1
shinytest testApp 1
shinycssloaders withSpinner 1
rvest html_nodes 1
rlist list.flatten 3
rlang is_complex 3
rlang link 1
pkgbuild style 3
methods new 6
lubridate date_decimal 1
lubridate decimal_date 2
htmltools withTags 1
htmlTable . 5
grDevices 2
graphics box 4
glue glue 2
ggrepel geom_text_repel 1
ggplot2 aes 2
ggplot2 geom_line 2
ggplot2 geom_point 2
ggplot2 ggplot 2
ggplot2 labs 2
ggplot2 scale_colour_manual 2
ggplot2 theme_minimal 2
ggforce facet_wrap_paginate 2
ggforce firstUpper 1
DT datatable 2
DT DTOutput 3
DT renderDT 2
DT tableFooter 1
DT tableHeader 1
dplyr select 1
dplyr vars 2
data.tree Do 1
data.tree FindNode 1
data.tree ToDataFrameTable 1
data.tree ToDataFrameTypeCol 1
data.table copy 11
data.table data.table 11
data.table dcast 2
data.table melt 1
data.table rbindlist 5
data.table setDF 4
data.table setDT 10
data.table setnames 10
data.table tstrsplit 2
data fread 4
data FromDataFrameNetwork 3
BIOMASS getTaxonomy 1
(unknown) := 18
(unknown) AddChild 1
(unknown) AddChildNode 2
(unknown) compareNA 3
(unknown) FotterWithHeader 1
(unknown) get_annotation 2
(unknown) Guyafor2df 1
(unknown) textarea 1
(unknown) uploadFile 4
ValentineHerr commented 1 year ago

one of the most annoying package dependency is grDevices which seems to only be used for @VincyaneBadouard, do you remember why you specifically added geDevices in the imports? This is a package that gets loaded with R.

ValentineHerr commented 1 year ago

This is what I get when I install this package (I always skip all but should update all at some point):

These packages have more recent versions available.
It is recommended to update all of them.
Which would you like to update?

 1: All                                         
 2: CRAN packages only                          
 3: None                                        
 4: digest       (0.6.27    -> 0.6.30   ) [CRAN]
 5: rappdirs     (0.3.1     -> 0.3.3    ) [CRAN]
 6: R6           (2.5.0     -> 2.5.1    ) [CRAN]
 7: htmltools    (0.5.2     -> 0.5.3    ) [CRAN]
 8: rlang        (1.0.2     -> 1.0.6    ) [CRAN]
 9: fs           (1.5.0     -> 1.5.2    ) [CRAN]
10: BH           (1.75.0-0  -> 1.78.0-0 ) [CRAN]
11: Rcpp         (1.0.7     -> 1.0.9    ) [CRAN]
12: magrittr     (2.0.1     -> 2.0.3    ) [CRAN]
13: cli          (3.2.0     -> 3.4.1    ) [CRAN]
14: memoise      (1.1.0     -> 2.0.1    ) [CRAN]
15: jquerylib    (0.1.3     -> 0.1.4    ) [CRAN]
16: sass         (0.4.0     -> 0.4.4    ) [CRAN]
17: lifecycle    (1.0.1     -> 1.0.3    ) [CRAN]
18: cachem       (1.0.1     -> 1.0.6    ) [CRAN]
19: bslib        (0.3.1     -> 0.4.1    ) [CRAN]
20: commonmark   (1.7       -> 1.8.1    ) [CRAN]
21: withr        (2.3.0     -> 2.5.0    ) [CRAN]
22: crayon       (1.3.4     -> 1.5.2    ) [CRAN]
23: promises     (1.1.1     ->  ) [CRAN]
24: later        (   -> 1.3.0    ) [CRAN]
25: fontawesome  (0.2.2     -> 0.4.0    ) [CRAN]
26: jsonlite     (1.7.1     -> 1.8.3    ) [CRAN]
27: mime         (0.9       -> 0.12     ) [CRAN]
28: httpuv       (1.5.5     -> 1.6.6    ) [CRAN]
29: terra        (1.5-21    -> 1.6-41   ) [CRAN]
30: sp           (1.4-5     -> 1.5-1    ) [CRAN]
31: cpp11        (0.3.1     -> 0.4.3    ) [CRAN]
32: vctrs        (0.3.8     -> 0.5.1    ) [CRAN]
33: farver       (2.0.3     -> 2.1.1    ) [CRAN]
34: utf8         (1.1.4     -> 1.2.2    ) [CRAN]
35: colorspace   (2.0-0     -> 2.0-3    ) [CRAN]
36: pillar       (1.7.0     -> 1.8.1    ) [CRAN]
37: fansi        (0.4.1     -> 1.0.3    ) [CRAN]
38: viridisLite  (0.4.0     -> 0.4.1    ) [CRAN]
39: RColorBrewer (1.1-2     -> 1.1-3    ) [CRAN]
40: tibble       (3.1.6     -> 3.1.8    ) [CRAN]
41: scales       (1.1.1     -> 1.2.1    ) [CRAN]
42: isoband      (0.2.3     -> 0.2.6    ) [CRAN]
43: gtable       (0.3.0     -> 0.3.1    ) [CRAN]
44: yaml         (2.2.1     -> 2.3.6    ) [CRAN]
45: backports    (1.2.1     -> 1.4.1    ) [CRAN]
46: systemfonts  (1.0.1     -> 1.0.4    ) [CRAN]
47: ps           (1.4.0     -> 1.7.2    ) [CRAN]
48: processx     (3.4.5     -> 3.8.0    ) [CRAN]
49: callr        (3.5.1     -> 3.7.3    ) [CRAN]
50: stringi      (1.5.3     -> 1.7.8    ) [CRAN]
51: highr        (0.8       -> 0.9      ) [CRAN]
52: xfun         (0.30      -> 0.35     ) [CRAN]
53: tinytex      (0.38      -> 0.42     ) [CRAN]
54: stringr      (1.4.0     -> 1.4.1    ) [CRAN]
55: knitr        (1.38      -> 1.41     ) [CRAN]
56: evaluate     (0.15      -> 0.18     ) [CRAN]
57: sys          (3.4       -> 3.4.1    ) [CRAN]
58: openssl      (1.4.3     -> 2.0.4    ) [CRAN]
59: curl         (4.3       -> 4.3.3    ) [CRAN]
60: xml2         (1.3.2     -> 1.3.3    ) [CRAN]
61: httr         (1.4.2     -> 1.4.4    ) [CRAN]
62: shiny        (1.7.1     -> 1.7.3    ) [CRAN]
63: crosstalk    (1.1.1     -> 1.2.0    ) [CRAN]
64: htmlwidgets  (1.5.3     -> 1.5.4    ) [CRAN]
65: data.table   (1.14.2    -> 1.14.6   ) [CRAN]
66: proj4        (1.0-10.1  -> 1.0-12   ) [CRAN]
67: raster       (3.4-5     -> 3.6-11   ) [CRAN]
68: minpack.lm   (1.2-1     -> 1.2-2    ) [CRAN]
69: pbapply      (1.5-0     -> 1.6-0    ) [CRAN]
70: ggplot2      (3.3.5     -> 3.4.0    ) [CRAN]
71: RcppEigen    ( -> [CRAN]
72: tidyselect   (1.1.2     -> 1.2.0    ) [CRAN]
73: polyclip     (1.10-0    -> 1.10-4   ) [CRAN]
74: tweenr       (1.0.2     -> 2.0.2    ) [CRAN]
75: rstudioapi   (0.13      -> 0.14     ) [CRAN]
76: checkmate    (2.0.0     -> 2.1.0    ) [CRAN]
77: svglite      (2.0.0     -> 2.1.0    ) [CRAN]
78: webshot      (0.5.2     -> 0.5.4    ) [CRAN]
79: rmarkdown    (2.14      -> 2.18     ) [CRAN]
80: rvest        (0.3.6     -> 1.0.3    ) [CRAN]
81: shinyWidgets (0.7.0     -> 0.7.5    ) [CRAN]
82: shinyjs      (2.0.0     -> 2.1.0    ) [CRAN]
83: DT           (0.23      -> 0.26     ) [CRAN]
84: WorldFlora   (1.10      -> 1.11     ) [CRAN]
85: stringdist   (0.9.8     -> 0.9.10   ) [CRAN]
86: ggrepel      (0.9.1     -> 0.9.2    ) [CRAN]
87: ggforce      (0.3.4     -> 0.4.1    ) [CRAN]
88: htmlTable    (2.2.1     -> 2.4.1    ) [CRAN]
VincyaneBadouard commented 1 year ago

Hi! ah sorry allows to open the correction plots in different windows to allow the user to have time to look at them. If I didn't do this, the plots would follow each other in the same window and therefore disappear as soon as another one replaced it. Maybe there is another way to do this. The only other method I knew of was to produce a pdf without viewing in Rstudio